[h1][center][color=orange]Hoverfly[/color][/center][/h1] Chris sighed to himself as two other people immediately started challenging his mention of becoming leader. It was the Nearly-broken-door guy and the guy with the technology and stuff. He turned to both of them. [color=Orange]"Alright calm it you two, all I said was that I could be leader if people wanted me to. I didn't try and take control or anything. You two really need to get off your high horses a little. You being a prince means precisely jack here, I'm afraid. And you, how do you assume all this stuff about your intelligence? This hot demon girl seems to have been around the block a few times, she probably knows all sorts of crazy stuff.[/color] Then he turned to the rest of the people. [color=Orange]"If you could really shrowd the area in darkness or whatever, I could take them out from above and carry them somewhere else. Or I could just act as an eye in the sky as suggested"[/color] The last part was added in acknowledgement to Simbi. Confident that he had given a decent suggestion to help the group, and hopefully had shut down the two people squabbling over the position of leader, he turned to Luna again. There was something undeniably cute about her that Chris couldn't quite place his finger on. [color=Orange]"Well, it's not so much flying as it is levitation, which does have it's downsides. Sometimes I'll be just daydreaming and when I snap out of it I'm lying on the ceiling. Also, can you sense my emotions?"[/color] Chris added that last part out of pure curiosity.