Hobnob and his crew continued to walk through the forest towards the bridge. They moved ever onward as they closed the distance to their destination with each passing step. Occasionally they would step over or around a coyote corpse that was in the way. Hobnob and his crew did a pretty good job at clearing out all those coyotes for a group of 7 eccentric gnome inventors. But they always did have a tendency to do stuff that didn't seem possible when the situation called for it. Arassel's comment on a job well done caused Hobnob to smile and respond with a hearty "I'm glad you think so". Hobnob always enjoyed other people saying that he and his crew had done a good job with something. It reassured him that he wasn't incompetent despite not being able to create an Obstacle Flattener that didn't explode. Hobnob continued to walk towards the bridge. As did the rest of his crew.