[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/O16b4YF.jpg[/img][/center] Whitney would have expected Sully to grind his teeth and huff even louder, but the man calmed his nerves and looked at Noelle. Now that she took a good look at him, she didn't think that he was that much older than they were; he still had that youth-ish light in his eyes, but they always appeared tired or drained of energy. From what she could see, he bore no beard, but he always scratched and rubbed at his face as if he had stubble. His black hair appeared almost gray, especially at this moment. All in all, she thought he was a man in his mid thirties that looked about forty or fifty when his brow furrowed and his gaze became dark. [b]"What are you looking at?"[/b] Ravello sighed, glancing back at Whitney. The girl avoided his look, fidgeting as she turned her gaze towards Noelle. She honestly felt sorry for the girl. [b][color=8882be]"What are you going to do to us?"[/color][/b] [b]"I already answered you. Feed you, clothe you, and protect you... that is, until you know what the fuck is going on."[/b] She faltered at the unexpectedly frustrated tone in his voice. Sully sounded like a berating parent rather than someone who wanted to do them harm. Was he really, [i]really[/i] telling the truth? He tapped his foot a few times at the quietness of the duo. [b]"Come now,"[/b] he said. [b]"Has that dumb video game of yours really fried your brain? Don't you think, that, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have already done so?"[/b] The man shook his head, opening the door and allowing a woman in white clothing to enter. She wielded two bowls of soup and two loaves of bread in a bag slung over her shoulder. [b]"Will you two be good kids and eat?"[/b] Sully asked as the aide placed the bowls on the table before the two young women. [@rivaan] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XGh7q3S.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f26522][b]"S-shut up,"[/b][/color] the introvert's blush only increased in intensity as he glared at the young woman, but once again, Garrett fell silent as Claire slipped on his shirt. The feel of the new clothing was somewhat comfortable, he had to admit. They felt more like those baggy types of gym clothes. She told him that she would leave him to the rest, and that she would change in the bathroom. His shaking hands took hold of the pair of pants, sighing as he waited for her to leave-- that was when other aides came in with bowls of soup and breadsticks. The smell of the soup made his stomach roar like some sort of monster. Garrett eyed the soup as he struggled into his pants, grunting as he couldn't find a way to fit his left leg into one of the holes. Luckily enough, he found a way to pull the trousers up to his waist, another sound coming forth from his lips as Claire stepped out of the bathroom. He watched her take the bowl, pouting as she began to eat it. He wasn't sure if he was even going to be able to get up... [color=f26522][b]"Listen,"[/b][/color] he puffed out his cheeks wearily, his cheeks glowing red once more. [color=f26522][b]"Do you really think I can eat by myself?" [/b][/color] [@DFA] [center][code]Aliron's and Iris' Chambers[/code][/center] The aide looked quite nervous when it came to Aliron's reply. [b]"I don't even know the details,"[/b] he told both of them, glancing in between them as he clutched his clipboard. [b]"But all I know is that both of you... should probably remain calm for now. You will be given clean clothing to change into and even food. But you are safe, here. That was what they told me to tell you."[/b] [@Kiddo] [@Eklispe] [center][code]Gregory's and Nova's Chambers[/code][/center] [b]"I believe that everything has been taken from the diner,"[/b] the woman stated as she ignored their antics. [b]"So I think that your belongings are as safe as you are, right now. For now, you two should change clothing and eat food. Someone is going around passing out chicken noodle soup."[/b] [@Brasslazer] [@Kit N Kat]