[h1] [center] Republic of Zellonia [img] http://i.imgur.com/AVGmlw5.jpg [/img] [/center] [/h1] [h2] [center] Foulois Accords [/center] [/h2] “So gentlemen who shall we send to represent our great nation?” Neil Trellis Roberts said to his fellow family members and loyalists. “Well out of respect we must send someone from the other two families and of course one of our own and two diplomats who are trained for this would do well. Though I don’t see why we were invited, though this does give us leverage. We must remind those that go we need an easier way to transport our goods.” Yelif Roberts who was the father of Niel, he was an older man in his late 60s with a large bushy beard. The men around the table nodded, all showing their respect to the head of the house and head of the family. Neil smiled though as his father aged he was unsure of what would happen when he passed if neil would take over or blood would be shed but that thought was for another time. “Well then I propose we send my brother Julius Robets. James Conrad and Nero Primus. From the families. As for our diplomats I know Gregory Hults is well received by the international community being our main trade diplomat and I believe his assistant a Mr. Verington who is his supposed protege.” Julius smiled “ I’m fine with this I’ve always wanted to see thecia.” The other men around the room slowly agreed after seeing Yelif nod. “Then it is decided, now if you’ll excuse me I must meet with my cabinet and begin getting to work.” As Neil left the other men stayed to talk amongst themselves no doubt upset none of them held as much power or sway as those in the Primus family does. [h2][center] Recruitment [/center][/h2] “Mr.Conrad, while our navy is always our most prized possession we must be ready to defend ourselves, and thus I propose the immediate recruitment of at least 20,000 men with the weapons to match.” Turner Fren said to the other members of the cabinet he was one of his family’s men and thus was made a prominent position aside from also being the overseeing manager of the Robert’s Reloaders arms factory. “Mr. Fren if we must recruit a larger military, than our navy could always use an increase specifically in our submarine department in which we lack the necessary measurements to match with any other naval power in and I must inform you these sea demons will be weapons of the future allowing the disruption of trade when at war but in order to combat them we’ll need our own.” James Conrad the current head of house of House conrad while he maybe young at the ripe age of 31 his father and elder brother mysteriously died and left it to him. He was grant a position due to contribution to the naval yards as well respect. “While Mr.Conrad and Mr.Fren are both true in what they say, I believe we have enough in our budget to factor them in however, I believe we’ll want to increase our inner road connections to allow our inner cities better export their goods to the docks and thus allow more money to flow in and so called useless good to flow out” Bernard Young an elderly man but well trusted by Franklin Primus and was the head of treasury for the last two Autraz’s and out of respect one again. As Neil finally stood up forcing the others to be silent “ Well gentlemen if Mr.Young believes there is enough in the budget for them both then they shall be made.” He then turned to Mr.Young “I also agree, all of us are members of the merchant class and this country was built on trade. It’s only right that we allowed our own cities the ability to travel easy as easy as we travel to other countries. Now, I believe this ends our meeting.” Neil then stood up as the others began to collect their things. “Mr. Conrad if you wouldn’t mind come to my office so we may speak. [h2] [center] Neil’s office [/center] [/h2] Neil pulled out a cigar from his desk as Mr.Conrad entered, “You wanted to see me?” James asked in his polite manner that he played so well. The man was young with slicked back golden hair and light blue eyes with a small twitch in them. Men say it’s cause he can picture what he’s going to do to the person in front of them before it happens but the man had a temper. “Yes, I wanted to let you know you’ll be part of the delegation sent to the Foulois Accords, along with my brother, Nero and Gregory and his protege as your diplomats. While you’ll be the technical head of the delegation I do hope you listen to my younger brother. After all our family does control.” James nodded slowly his eye twitching all the same “Of course, though in my absence who will oversee the navy?” Ah yes another reason niel had wanted him gone so the conrads would be without leadership and he’d have a working complacent navy at least for a time. “ Well I would appoint someone to be acting naval overseer in your absence I was thinking Curlington Haz.” Yes Haz….he was a loyal man and well known or rather feared. James nodded “I suppose, though I believe upon my return that the office of deputies be created for all departments as such, should the head they have someone they know and trust takeover rather than some outsider who’d have to be briefed.” Niel took a long time on his cigar before replying “Yes...I shall look into that, now I believe that’ll be all.” James slowly stood up and smiled before he began leaving out. At least he’d be out his hair for awhile and hell maybe the conrads would be very nice while he was away. Without a boss there is no family. Niel chuckled before he turned to look at the city. [h2] [center] Envoy’s being sent [/center] [/h2] (Will add in when relations are made) [hider= Zellonia Budget] [Starting turn Budget - 28,000,000,000] (Colonies) 5 Colonies costing 15,000,000,000 total 28,000,000,000 - 15,000,000,000 = 13,000,000,000 Remaining Budget 13,000,000,000 (Industry) 22 factories costing 1,100,000,000 total 13,000,000,000 - 1,100,000,000 = 11,900,000,000 Remaining Budget 11,900,000,000 (Army) 80,000 Soldiers costing 240,000,000 total 250,000 Reserves costing 250,000,000 total Total army costs 490,000,000 11,900,000,000 - 490,000,000 = 11,410,000,000 Remaining Budget: 11,410,000,000 (Navy) 34 (DD) Destroyers costing 102,000,000 4 (SS) Submarines costing 8,000,000 22 (CL) Light Cruisers costing 264,000,000 12 (CA) Armoured Cruisers costing 300,000,000 12 (BB) Coastal Battleships costing 480,000,000 9 (DN) Dreadnoughts costing 630,000,000 Total navy costs 1,784,000,000 11,410,000,000 - 1,784,000,000 = 9,626,000,000 Remaining Budget:9,626,000,000 (Stability) 90 stability costing 2,250,000,000 9,626,000,000 - 2,250,000,000 = 7,376,000,000 Remaining Budget: 7,376,000,000 (Technology) 1 Army Technology costing 5,000,000,000 7,376,000,000 - 5,000,000,000 = 2,376,000,000 (Infrastructure) 5 levels costing 1,000,000,000 2,376,000,000 -1,000,000,000 = 1,376,000,000 (Recruitment) 20,000 men costing 40,000,000 1,376,000,000 - 40,000,000 = 1,336.000,000 (Design) Designing a new rifle called ZLR-012 for 1,000,000,000 1,336,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 = 336,000,00. (Automobile Factory) Create a new factory costing 250,000,000 336,000,000 - 250,000,000 = 86,000,000 (Espionage) 40,000,000 will be used to fund spy rings in Estalia. 40,000,000 will be used to fund spy rings in dongaria Costing 80,000,000 total 86,000,000 - 80,000,000 = 6,000,000 Extra - 6,000,000 (let it go to waste.) (Next turn budget : 28,000,000,000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Productions] None all will go into making money. [/hider]