[@ShadowVentus] Kevin, finding himself warped across space, could only blink as this dimension was explained to him. Upon Michael's questioning, he shakes his head. "No, not exactly like that. I remember most things. Like Fairy Tail. For other things, they're fuzzy, but they're there. Then, there's that fight on that planet of ice... I can't recall most of it and it bugs me. I remember getting there, I remember getting killed, but everything in-between is just white." With that, Kevin looks at Michael more closely. "I'm not entirely sure who you are at the moment, but I feel like I trust you, and I seem to have a good sense about people. Like, say, that demon guy that just showed up before you dragged me away. I'd really like to be back there, in case he tries anything... or anyone else for that matter..." Kevin had a bad feeling, like something was about to go down. Then again, he always got feelings like that when demons show up.