[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/77ZNPuV.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Was the purple at the edge of his vision? Whatever. When he felt Iris's touch on his arm it jerked backwards and purple energy flared around it for half a second. In his focus on the man he'd once again forgotten about Iris. Aliron took a deep shuddering breath in response to her words and glared at the man. His response merely confirmed Iris's guess. Ugh. He'd worry about it later. But there was no way he was forgetting about it. [b]"Fine. Bring us food then. Or else I'll break out of here and get it myself and my suitcase."[/b] Aliron said grumpily as he laid back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling resentfully. Of course he had no idea how he was going to fulfill that threat if it came down to it, but they better not push him or he'd find a way. He wasn't taking their stupid clothes either. If they wanted him in new clothes they could bring his suitcase and he could get [i]his[/i] clothes out of there. Dummies. [@Ambra][@Kiddo]