[center][h1][color=686F91]Liam Matthews[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/f8e721b7a4d6bb2d11fa9743ae853fff/tumblr_n2no9z83St1tv2yuto1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=686F91][b]Location:[/b][/color] Aunt Sue's Inn #10 [color=686F91][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Sariel [@Morose][/center][hr] Liam, oblivious to the murderous woman just a room over, settled in to finally get some sleep, comfortably tucked into bed with Sancho sitting curled up at his feet, purring quietly as the animal let sleep take it, oblivious to the horrible goings-on of the outside world. However, Liam's comfortable sleep was not to be, as he felt a pair of eyes watching him, it wasn't exactly the most relaxing of feelings, even if they might've belonged to an angel. Liam concluded that he wasn't exactly going to be able to sleep while she was there like that. Sorry Sancho. Letting out a sigh, he pushed himself to sit up again, disturbing Sancho somewhat as he was awoken, standing up and stretching its legs in a typical fashion before wandering around the bed looking for a non-disturbing spot to sleep. Gently running his hand over the cat's fur in an apologetic show of affection, Liam turned his gaze over to Sariel, watching her for a moment or two and letting his eyes glance over the blade in her hand as he sat there. Sighing, he cleared his throat as he spoke up. [color=686F91][b]"I'm just going to assume it's normal for you to sit there and watch whoever you're 'protecting' sleep, right?"[/b][/color] The fact that it was the end of the world wasn't enough to stop Liam from trying to force out at least a little humour, being a supposed prophet of god wasn't enough to stop him, and in fact, the archangel sitting by his bed encouraged it more than anything. Though he wasn't quite sure how well she'd take his humour, or if she'd even understand it. He didn't exactly know how cultured in the way of humans angels were, until a day or two ago he'd assumed they didn't exist. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=5F7171]Darren Andrews[/color][/h1] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/4788fdfc38e87b223bef26602e476d42/tumblr_inline_moyt1hPhsW1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=5F7171][b]Location:[/b][/color] Forgotten Relics [color=5F7171][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Howard Brighton, [@Morose] Zachary Carpenter, Mitsukuri Katsumi [@BlueSky44][/center][hr] Darren's eyes flicked up from the blade and toward Howard's when his staring was called out. Forcing a somewhat awkward half-smile, he shrugged his shoulders simply. [color=5F7171][b]"Just curious what it is, is all."[/b][/color] He'd comment simply, watching as Howard moved to retrieve the book, listening to his explanation of what exactly it was. It could have been useful, but he didn't understand a word of any of it as he looked over the pages Howard flicked through. The question got his attention again, something actually relevant to Darren's goal there, he'd almost forgotten it in the grim events which had taken place. He glanced back toward Jade briefly, letting out another sigh as Zachary held back the girl from socking Howard in the jaw more than once. He shook his head when he looked back over, he didn't know what to make of any of them, but he kept his mouth shut on that regard, at least for now, as he looked back up to Howard. [color=5F7171][b]"We're looking for a spell book."[/b][/color] He'd say plainly, as if to gauge Howard's reaction before he continued speaking. [color=5F7171][b]"Specifically, one details how to stop a phenomenon called 'The Rise of the Witnesses'."[/b][/color] He explained as he watched the man, he figured if anywhere nearby was going to have the kind of book he needed it would be this store, he just hoped that was indeed the case, and he hadn't recklessly wasted Jade's life for absolutely nothing.