Aki too was not willing to leave behind Maki even if she did slow them down, they were a team and being a team was the only way to complete this test. even though they weren't allowed to use jutsu, Aki still had his heavily trained senses to aid him in keeping a look for any more surprises. the mist made hard to see and the air made the scents hard to pick up, but there was still the sense of hearing that could still be useful but their master was very stealthy and the chances of hearing his movement was low but still he had to try. he took the lead like Maki had ordered and had his halberd gripped tightly in his hands. he would be sure to keep his weapon at the ready in case of an attack. he was about to give a suggestion to his teammates when he heard a whistling sound of metal coming down from above him and he didn't have to look up to guess what it was. " watch out for the kunai above you!!!" he shouted to his teammates as he took evasive actions to dodge the sharp projectiles. just then their sensei came out of the line of trees and moved towards them at incredible speeds. he had a weapon in his hand that looked like a type of whip and swung it in Maki's direction. Aki was going to try and intercept the blow but then their sensei went straight for him with a sword made of his own blood, a sign of his skill in Blood Release. the mist made it hard for Aki to see what was happening and this made it so his sensei came upon with great speed and slashed out at with his blood sword. do his hunger and lack of sleep, Aki's reflexes were not as quick as they normally were and he hoped back in time to just avoid getting a deep wound from the sword, but the weapon still managed to cut him. his master wasn't done yet, he did a very fast full spin and slashed out with his blade, aiming it directly at Aki's head. Aki luckily was ready this time and he intercepted the attack with his halberd, he may have been weak but he had enough strength to still hold his own against enemy weapons, he then took a step back once his weapon axe head met his sensei's sword. he hoped that Ren would take this chance to attack his sensei while his back was exposed, but Aki couldn't see enough through the mist to see that their sensei was about shoot a huge current of chlorine gas in their direction. he was too close for Aki to evade and the gas hit with a great amount of force that sent fly back. then he felt the painful sting of the gas against his face exposed skin. he gritted his teeth as he tried to ignore the painful sensation. His sensei would have most definitely followed up with a deadly attack if it wasn't for the Mizukage interrupting their test and stopping Makoto. Even though Aki was annoyed at their training being interrupted, a part of him was glad to possibly be done with the test.