[b][u]March, 1910[/u][/b] [center][img]http://www.hoi4wiki.com/images/e/e9/Democracy.png[/img][/center] [b][u]March 20th, 1910[/u][/b] [b][center]ZELLONIA PREPARES FOR WAR?[/center][/b] [quote]"[i]While the world turns, a great many eyes have turned to the Velvet Isles and the House of Conrad. News has reached the Motharkin embassy there that Zellonia has passed a national conscription act, manifesting legislation that will see their armed forces increase by two hundred thousand in the next eighteen months. For many, this has turned a great many hands--but Sessau may know the truth. Zellonia is choked by incompetence and may seek a reprisal to force the issue at the Foulois Accords.[/i] [/quote] - Headline article from Sessau's [i]Le Jour[/i] newspaper. [hr] [b]RELATIONS[/b] [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=blue]Sessau[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-22[/color]] [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=orange]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-15[/color]] [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=green]Dongaria[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-10[/color]]