[center][h1]The Survivors[/h1] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/6/68/Marble_maddness_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20150825000655[/img] [hider=Plot] The Survivors is going to be a roleplay set in the Steven Universe(Universe) revolving around the few survivors of the Gem War for Earth. These last few survivors are top-priority on homeworld, they constantly send fleets of Rubies and sometimes even Quartz warriors to try and wipe them out, but the fleets never come back. Homeworld sees these survivors as brutes shattering each of their enemies, but the Survivor's are STRICTLY anti-shattering. The most they'll do is capture them and do a strict poof --> bubble routine. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that you'll only be able to play as one of these survivors, you'll be able to be a human, homeworld gem, survivor, or even a late blooming gem from an old kindergarten. Plot is gonna be very played out as it happens, I have a very light outline of events. The Survivors are previous members of the Crystal Gems, when they fought during the war, but as their ranks fell and Homeworld's merely grew, some fled with each other, into a desert on Earth. Some accused them of cowardice, some thought of it as a reasonable retreat, but they just didn't want to be shattered. As shown by the picture, the Survivors have taken haven in the desert, in the Sand Castle, which they've forced to ground. It does include gem rooms like the Crystal Temple [/hider] [hider=Rules] No canon characters, interaction with canon characters will be light, or nil. If you're prone to starting fights you will be kicked out of the roleplay, if you have a disagreement with something, please message me and I'll help you deal with it. To add onto "no canon characters" if your character is made into a canon character in the next few episodes we'll ignore it for my sanity's sake. Guild rules, no smut, fade to black yadda yadda. Delete all the parentheses in the CS's or you won't be accepted. [/hider] [hider=Sheets] Gem CS (Kindergarten or Survivor. Any other affiliation if you're willing to explore.) Name: Age: Appearance: Fusions: Gem Location: (unless in picture) Weapon/Power: Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Personality: Biography: Homeworld CS Name: Age: Appearance: Diamond Affiliation: Gem Location: (unless in picture) Weapon/Power: Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Personality: Biography: Human CS Name: Age: Appearance: Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Personality: Biography: Relation to the Survivors?: [/hider] [/center] 4? - Survivor 2? - Homeworld Gem 1 - Human Please feel free to provide any sort of advice, this is my first time GMing in a L O N G time.