[center][img]http://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2014/07/10-181st-Werneck-EGTW.jpg[/img] [b]Mission Log, Rancor Company, Cpt.Thereon:[/b][i] It's been four months since the battle of Endor, a lot of soldiers felt that with the fall of the Emperor and Darth Vader that the Empire would just lay down and roll over. It's doing anything but that, though it is fractured and weakened. High ranking Imperials form their own little enclaves, or surrender to the 'New Republic' in the hopes of a good deal. We had come to Taris under that pretense three months ago. Governor Arold Venuti promised us his Star Destroyer as well as control of the system, it didn't go to plan. We dropped out of hyperspace and as we entered orbit the trap was sprung, TIE Interceptors burst out of the skyscrapers as ships dropped out of hyperspace cutting of our escape. We lost more than half our company that day. Ever since then we've been working on two goals, contact the New Republic and take out the Governor who did this to us. Though both have proven difficult, and it is unlikely we're going to get anywhere until we find a way to liberate the planet before we can contact our own forces and nobody has seen the Governor since before we got here. The Imperials keep closing in on our location, the local populance so far seems largely unwilling to help with the exception of a couple of Rebel Cells but they need more time to be trained and equipped than we have. The New Republic is surely to send a scouting party sooner or later, but with all that's going on in the Galaxy it's hard to know when. Though we're getting desperate, and it doesn't take a genius to know that if things don't change soon that we're not going to make it off Taris alive. End Log.[/i] [b]Welcome:[/b] Welcome to Star Wars - Desperation. As you may have read this Roleplay takes place on the planet [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Taris]Taris[/url] in the months following the [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_of_Endor]Battle of Endor[/url] and for continuity sake we're going to be following the current Movie/Book/TV/Comicverse of Star Wars, as in we're not going to be following Legends. Though like the aforementioned continuity we can borrow from Legends so long as it doesn't cause any contradictions. We're going to be playing characters on the world of Taris during the final days of the Galactic Civil War, Rebels (or members of the fledgling 'New Republic') were caught off guard in a trap and are now stuck on the surface, on the run and outnumbered hoping to gather more support so they can liberate Taris, find a way off world or contact the fleet. The Imperials are trying to hang on to everything they can, they know the Battle of Endor was lost but to give up now would likely result in dire consequences. These desperate times has made them crueler than ever. [hr] [/center] [hider=Galactic Empire] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/ac/Antagonize.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090331180156[/img][/center] [center] [i]The Galactic Empire still holds a firm grasp on the planet of Taris operating out of a landed Star Destroyer, the [i]Monarch[/i] and are led by Governor Arold Venuti. However he has not been seen in some time and most the orders given out to Imperials have been given out by high ranking command staff, who receive their orders from an Imperial Agent, simply known as Agent Aurek. After the ambush of the Rebel forces more than two months ago the Empire has led a vicious campaign on Taris. They have shut down spaceports, banned the use of speeders as a method of transportation and cracked down on any and all blaster use that isn't regulated. Despite this their popularity hasn't waned and some of the residents in the upper city (who aren't treated as harshly) feel that this is the Empire it needs. While the command itself doesn't strictly adhere to the lie that Palpetine is still alive many throughout the hierarchy still punish troops for saying that he is dead, or alternatively punish citizens. Especially with word spreading around the Galaxy of worlds like Naboo coming under attack by forces said to be commanded by Palpetine himself. In the last couple of weeks there has also been an influx of Imperial Forces, as forces throughout the sector have rallied on Taris. The meager initial Two Star destroyers in system has tripled to six, with escorts.[/i][/center] [hider=Roster] [b]Imperial Commander:[/b] Governor Arold Venuti [indent][b]ISB Agent:[/b] Agent Aurek[/indent] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=New Republic] [center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/battlefront/images/3/32/N_Rep_Logo.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20111009180428[/img] [i]The [s]Rebel Alliance[/s] New Republic is still in it's fledgling state, many members of it's military still forget to call it the New Republic, simply referring it to the Alliance. While there is overjoy at the fact that the Emperor along with Vader died at the Battle of Endor there is also a sense of tiredness. Many believed that the Empire would just give up without it's leader, many of the Rebels did not want to take up arms in the first place and just wish to return to the lives they once had. Something that the Empire is making a difficulty. New Republic forces on Taris arrived in force, over two months ago at the invitation of the Governor under the guise that he was going to stand down and surrender himself and his resources to the New Republic. However it was an ambush and much of the New Republic task force sent to Taris was destroyed, however not everything was. While almost all of the tanks were destroyed several pilots managed to stow their fighters and bombers in the lower city, and while scattered a large portion of the ground contingent still exists. The highest ranking officer Captain Lance Thereon has spent the last two months trying to piece Rancor Company back together and keep them out of the Imperials Crosshairs, their longterm goal is to liberate Taris. Their short term, to get in touch with the New Republic.[/i] [/center] [hider=Roster] [b]Commanding Officer:[/b] Captain Lance Thereon. [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [center] [b]Rules:[/b] 1) This Roleplay is combat based, no killing off another persons character without permission. 2) The Alan Simon Rule: Don't do anything generally stupid. If you do something generally stupid, expect consequences. 3) Have fun. 4) GM (and possible co-GM) have the final say in disputes, if you keep going after that you will be shown to the door. 5) Yeah sure people swear, but keep it tasteful - Don't swear for every second word. IC use substitutes like 'Karking' and 'frag'. 6) This is based of the current Movie/Book/Comic Continuity ran by Disney, if you have an issue with that leave it at the door. 7) Please be respectful to one another. 8) Again, have fun. [hr] [b]Character Sheet Template:[/b] [i]If you want to tweak it/make your own feel free. Force sensitive does not mean you can use it, it means you have the potential to use it. If you go using it as a Mary-Sue tool expect there to be consequences.[/i] [code] [b]Player Name:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Force Sensitive Y/N:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] Any owned vehicles/starships/property goes in this field. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] } [b]Weaknesses:[/b] } Try to balance these two fields out. [b]History:[/b] This is how I gauge your skill at writing, it's important. [/code] [hr] [b]Possible Questions:[/b] [i]Can I be a filthy [s]Rebel[/s] New Republic person?[/i] Why yes, yes you can. [i]Can I be a filthy Imperial?[/i] Why yes, yes you can. [i]Can I be a filthy Jedi?[/i] Why no, no you cannot. [i]Can I be a filthy Force User of some description/ex-Jedi/ex-Inquisitor?[/i] Subject to sheet, which will be Pm'd to moi after sheets are done. [i]Sep, what are we going to be doing?[/i] This will be plot driven, but also partially sandbox (within the confines of Taris). For the New Republic it's going to be simpler than it is for the Imperials, or at least initially. The further down the rabbit hole you go, the more that will be revealed. [i]Sep, can I ask questions?[/i] Well you already did, but if you mean a question on the RP. Sure, go for it. [/center]