[@Wade Wilson] Thank you for the compliment. Even though I'm not really cool. As for you seeming pissed. Hey, I noticed I did step on a sensitive topic for a lot of people. I am actually surprised you didn't tell me to fuck off. I try not to get in my feelings when I'm in an argument. I also like to come to the terms with such things. Though to be honest, for some reason, I don't feel emotions for anyone on the internet. Not even for friends. I can say I'm sorry to something, and truly mean it, but on the inside I've just gone bland, so it might explain why I don't try to drag on dead arguments. Anyways, now thinking about it. I've been hit and slammed into a locker literally today at school. Fantastic. I guess we might both be victims of two different sides of bullying. (Although I wouldn't call what I'm going through bullying, because I would fight them in a second, but I'm trying to not get in trouble in my school year.) Just be okay, try to have a nice day.