"Holy shit, it talks." Hirsch said in bewilderment. "She.." Wolfe corrected, when Hirsch looked to him confused, he repeated, "IT...is a she...and her name is Shanon," Wolfe said with a grin. "And she's beautiful," he said with a nod. "Shanon, my name is Matthew Wolfe, and this is Joeseph Hirsch, we're allies...er...friends, your in no danger," he said to Shanon. He pointed to the gargoyle. "That's Vaughtar, also a friend, and that dog over there is actually a woman named Ariel, also a friend." "Welcome to earth, a pleasure to meet you," he said. The comotion done, all the snabbits dead, now just the aftermath. Natasha was still down in a kneeling position in a kneeling position, she seemed to have an injury. Wolfe didn't even realize She was there until it was all said and done. She was too fast for Wolfe, had he known she was there he wouldn't have fired the grenade. He rushed over to her side and helped her up. "Hey, I didn't see you there, Fuck,  your tough, no wonder you come with such high regard..." he examined her arm, he pulled some pressure dressing from his IFAK, he noticed he was still bleeding through the bandage, but he ignored it to help Natasha. "Let me get you squared away?" he offered to dress her wound. Hirsch in the meantime moved toward Vaughtar. "Goliath! Ma main monster Whats up Knucka!?" Hirsch didn't realize that his wound had re opened and he was bleeding through his bandage. Until he held his hand out for a high five. "Well...shit... This is starting to hurt..."