I know I'll probably need to heavily alter Ulrick's sheet after this but.... [hider=Gowi is an abusive best friend. (WIP)] [center][color=a187be][h1]H O U S E D A Y N E[/h1] [img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/1/15/DayneCoA.png/250px-DayneCoA.png[/img] [i]"Under Starless Skies”[/i][/color][/center] [color=a187be][sub][ ⚔ ] O V E R V I E W[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]House Dayne is one of the most ancient families in all of Westeros, and one of the principal houses now sworn to House Martell of Dorne, claiming descent all the way back to the Dawn of Days, when the first Dayne followed a falling star to the banks of the Torrentine river in the western Red Mountains. They make their seat at the island castle of [url=https://plusthings.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/fantasy-castle-01-copie.jpg]Starfall[/url], where they previously ruled as Kings of the Torrentine before being subdued in Nymeria's War. However, despite their history as Dornish Kings, the Daynes' reputation is known throughout the realm for their ancestral greatsword, Dawn, said to have magical properties all too similar to Valyrian steel yet pale as milkglass and alive with light, crafted from the heart of the falling star that the Daynes' ancestor followed to the site of Starfall. The knights of House Dayne who are deemed worthy to wield this mythic weapon are granted the title Sword of the Morning, and almost all of these figures are regarded as some of the greatest knights to ever live, almost overshadowing the Daynes' royal legacy entirely. With Vorian Dayne, Sword of the Evening and the last of the Dayne Kings banished to the Night's Watch, the family would bend the knee to Mors Martell and, for the next eleven years, battle King Yorick Yronwood into submission. During this time, Davos Dayne, an anointed knight of the seven, proved himself unequal on the battlefield and was granted the title Sword of the Morning, the most recent Dayne to bear the name and weapon revered throughout Westeros. Ser Davos would eventually become the third and final husband of Princess Nymeria and have a son by her. According to the Rhoynish custom of equal primogeniture, the Lordship of Dorne did not pass to Davos and Nymeria's son, rather going to the eldest daughter of Nymeria and Mors Martell. However, their child would return to Starfall and rule as Lord of the Torrentine. Thus, House Dayne claims direct descent from the warrior queen, being one of only two houses able to do so.[/color][/indent] [color=a187be][sub][ ⚔ ] M E M B E R S O F H O U S E[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][url=http://www.familyecho.com/?p=E2WJI&c=l03po6bhkb&f=667142655396418355]Comprehensive family tree thing[/url] [color=7e6e75][i] Orland Dayne, 87 AC - 144 AC, grandfather to the current generation of Starfall Athelyna Manwoody, 90 AC - 132 AC - Ser Davos Dayne, 107 AC - 138 AC, first child of Lord Orland, allegedly fell from Starfall in a drunken stupor - Tereza Uller, 114 AC, Davos' widow, childless - Isobel Ladybright, 107 AC, childhood lover and paramour of Ser Davos, who gave him three bastard children -- Grayce Sand, 124 AC -- Elyana Sand, 132 AC -- Ser Arron Sand, 138 AC - Archmaester Vorian, 110 AC, a member of the Conclave of the Citadel whose expertise lies in medicine and healing - Morgan Dayne, previous Lord of Starfall, 113 AC - 155 AC - Lady Jayne Fowler, 117 AC, widow to Lord Morgan, chief advisor to Ander -- [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/6fa9b551320f5b3f86e44e46eb168e24/tumblr_mueuavCSne1sclg8jo1_1280.jpg]Ander Dayne[/url], 134 AC, anointed knight and newly made Lord of Starfall -- Marissa Blackmont, 133 AC, wife of Ander, currently with child --- Anrea Dayne, 152 AC, Ander and Marissa's first daughter --- Alora Dayne, 155 AC, daughter born only months after Morgan's death -- [url=http://i.imgur.com/Mmt85rD.jpg]Ulrick Dayne[/url], 139 AC, left Starfall in 155 AC to travel with Princess Alessara Nymeros Martell, currently in King's Landing - Thalina Dayne, 118 AC, Sister of the late Ser Davos and Lord Morgan, current Lady Regent of Wyl - Vorian Wyl, 114 - 151 AC, former Lord of Wyl -- Melara Wyl, 136 AC -- Sybelle Wyl, 140 AC -- Jynessa Wyl, 143 AC -- Yoren Wyl, 145 AC -- Ydrian Wyl, 148 AC Ser Simon Dayne, 94 AC, Great Uncle to the Dayne brothers and Starfall's Master of Arms, Unmarried as he claims celibacy[/i][/color][/indent] [color=a187be][sub][ ⚔ ] M I L I T A R Y S T R E N G T H[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Holding lordship over one of the invaluable Dornish rivers and a sizable amount of land in the western Red Mountains, the Daynes retain a sizable levy of common soldiers, spear-men, light cavalry, archers, and, a rarity amongst the Dornish, mounted knights, numbering in the thousands when at full strength. Every male member of House Dayne is expected to be a knight, and the smallfolk in their demesne reflect this chivalric tradition, with the knights in the lands of Starfall and High Hermitage outnumbering those of other Dornish regions almost two to one. Starfall retains a small fleet of trading vessels that saw use as troop transports in the years of old when the Daynes would raid the lands surrounding Oldtown. [/color][/indent] [color=a187be][sub][ ⚔ ] R E C E N T H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Athelyna Manwoody was an Andal supremacist, and after Orland Dayne sent their firstborn son, Davos, to foster at Sunspear with the Martells and betroth him to a daughter of House Uller, she single-handedly gripped control of their other two children from him, arranging marriages with other Dornish houses along the Red Mountains such as the Fowlers and the Wyls. The Lord of Starfall was not a man to counteract these actions, and the influence Athelyna had on their younger children could not be denied. Meanwhile, Davos' fostering at Sunspear went remarkably well, befriending several members of the Martell household and, in particular, becoming infatuated with one Isobel Ladybright, daughter of the former steward of the Old Palace. This romance bloomed despite Davos' betrothal, and, much to the behest of the Ullers, the union would produce a child when the two were only seventeen years old. A daughter, whom they named Grayce. Davos would return to Starfall soon after alongside his newborn and his paramour. Vorian, the second son of Starfall, was not the talented swordsman his brother was, nor was he cut out to be the knight his family expected him to become. Instead, Vorian took ship from Starfall to Oldtown to study at the Citadel, claiming that he could become a knight of a different sort, spurning a betrothal planned by his mother and forgoing his family name. He became an initiate almost two years before the onset of the Dance of the Dragons, and remained at the Citadel even after the war's conclusion. He forged a chain of many metals, notably bronze, electrum, copper, silver, and, most oddly, Valyrian steel. He has lived at the Citadel for many years and now serves as a newly made Archmaester. At the onset of the Dance of the Dragons, House Martell saw Princess Aliandra come into power and encourage the lords and knights of the Dornish Marches to raid their neighbors in the Reach and the Stormlands. Though his father advised against it, Davos would lead a company of spear-men and light cavalry through the Prince's Pass, reigniting tensions with several non-Dornish Marcher Lords. The Ullers, shamed by Davos' siring a bastard and scorning the marriage contract between the two houses, very nearly broke the betrothal altogether, but through careful negotiations, the pact remained, and in 131 AC, Tereza Uller arrived in Starfall for her marriage to Davos near the tail end of the Dance of the Dragons. What she did not expect to find, however, was her to be husband taking care of a heavily pregnant Isobel. As one might expect, the marriage would not be a happy one. Life progressed as normal from there on in Starfall. Morgan, the oft looked over third son, was anointed at eighteen and married to Jayne Fowler a year later. In the one hundredth and thirty fourth year since Aegon's Landing, the two would give the then Lord of Starfall his first grandson, Ander. He would be followed by Davos and Isobel's final child, Arron, four years later. Following a night of drinking in 138 AC only weeks after the birth of his bastard son, Davos returned to his chambers for the evening alongside his wife, a rare occurrence. Early in the morning, Lady Tereza would emerge from their room in a fit, saying Davos fell from a balcony in a drunken stupor. His body would not be found, but Starfall's Maester theorized it likely floated out into the Summer Sea. After six years in a fruitless marriage, Tereza would return to her family's seat at the Hellholt within a fortnight. Suddenly down a firstborn son and with the second off becoming a Maester, the final years of Orland Dayne's life would be spent preparing Morgan for the responsibilities of lordship. He would pass in his sleep at the age of fifty-seven. Morgan Dayne's period of lordship from 144 AC until his death in 155 was mostly unremarkable. Some say he shared correspondence with a number of lords in the Reach in an attempt to mend old wounds, even offering his second son for a matrilineal marriage, while others claim that he had his mind set firmly on uniting the houses of the Red Mountains. The latter seems likely, considering Ander's marriage to a Blackmont and his frequent visits to Skyreach, Kingsgrave, and Wyl over the years. His health would begin to deteriorate once Morgan entered his middle age, and he would leave the world of the living only two years prior to the Young Dragon's coronation. Following Morgan's death, his second son, Ulrick, would leave Starfall to travel with Princess Alessara Martell under the pretense of staying out of the way for his brother's ascent to the lordship. He did not expect to still be traveling two years later. The Daynes have kept to themselves for the time being, with the last big news out of Starfall being a rumor that Ander plans to legitimize his cousins and name Ser Arron the Knight of High Hermitage.[/color][/indent] [color=a187be][sub][ ⚔ ] P O I N T S O F V I E W[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Ulrick Dayne Lord Ander Dayne[/color][/indent] [/hider] [hider=The Starlord] [CENTER][h1][color=B57EDC]Ander Dayne[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/6fa9b551320f5b3f86e44e46eb168e24/tumblr_mueuavCSne1sclg8jo1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Origin[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]134 AC, Starfall, an island of the Torrentine along the western Red Mountains of Dorne[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]House[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Dayne of Starfall, currently sworn to House Nymeros Martell[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Title[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Lord of Starfall and Head of House Dayne[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Reputation[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]WIP[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Appearance[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]WIP[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]History[/sub][hr][/color][indent][color=7e6e75]WIP[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Family Tree[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][i]See above[/i][/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]OOC Notes[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]WIP[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=The Rising Star. Get it? It's a pun.] [CENTER][h1][color=B57EDC]Ulrick Dayne[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Mmt85rD.jpg[/img][/center] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Origin[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]139 AC, Starfall, an island of the Torrentine along the western Red Mountains of Dorne[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]House[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Dayne of Starfall, currently sworn to House Nymeros Martell[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Title[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]None[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Reputation[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Little can be said about the second son of Starfall even amongst the Dornish, as the lad has only just begun entering his adulthood. Most Dornish lords knew of him purely as the diligent and dutiful squire of his brother before he abandoned Dorne. At the age of fifteen, during a tourney at Lemonwood, Ulrick was revealed to be the mystery knight who had unhorsed his own brother in the penultimate round, many of the lords and ladies in attendance began to call him one of the most naturally gifted lances and swordsmen of his generation. Outside of this, Ulrick is little known.[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Appearance[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Despite his martial nature, Ulrick Dayne has been described as looking boyish by his fellow Dornishmen. His profile remains remarkably unblemished by the Dornish sun and unscathed by the lances of his contemporaries, showing either his skill at arms or his lack of experience, depending on who you asked. Like his sibling, Ulrick retains the yellow blond hair typical of his mother's house and a pair of pale lavender eyes identical to the coloring found on his house's banners. Standing at roughly 5'10", which surely contributes to his boyish reputation, Ulrick isn't exactly the most sizable aspiring knight. Lean and compact where most knights are walking bulks of muscle, an untrained eye likely wouldn't be able to tell that Ulrick even knew how to swing a sword if he dressed himself in the common nobleman's wear of Westeros and not the light and loose fitting sandsilk of the Dornish.[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]History[/sub][hr][/color][indent][color=7e6e75]Born the second and final child of Lord Morgan Dayne and Jayne Fowler roughly eighteen years ago, Ulrick managed to avoid being the heir to Starfall by a whole five years thanks to his brother, Ander. As a young child his father and great uncle would often regale Ulrick with the tales and legends of their house, from those that ruled as Kings of the Torrentine in the time before Nymeria's War and Vorian Dayne, who fought against Mors Martell before becoming one of the six Dornish Kings of antiquity to be banished to the Wall by Nymeria, but the tales that stuck with Ulrick above the rest were the tales of the knights who wielded the Daynes' ancestral greatsword, Dawn, the Swords of the Morning. From the time he could lift a wooden toy longsword, Ulrick dedicated himself to the principles of knighthood, wanting nothing more than to live up to the legacy left by his ancestors. For every hour he spent learning letters or house sigils, he spent three in the training yard, clashing blunted swords and riding ponies with sons of servants. Before long, Ulrick's ability and dedication caught the eye of Ser Simon, who had him train with Ander and other squires at the young age of nine when he had only just been made a page. He was almost routinely bested by his brother in mock combat during this time, who seemed to find Ulrick's unwavering determination all too hilarious. While tradition would normally see Ulrick squire for his father after his twelfth name-day, Lord Morgan had never one for knighthood. As Simon was getting rather advanced in age, Ulrick was instead squired to his older brother on the same day Ander was anointed and swore his oaths. It was around this time that Morgan would negotiate Ander's marriage to a daughter of House Blackmont. Ulrick would be the first of Ander's squires and certainly the most overworked. While he served dutifully over the course of the next three years as his brother's eldest squire and mentor to two younger boys, Ulrick was never permitted to ride in tourneys or participate in melees. Ander would say that the work of handling a knight's armor, weapon, and horse at tourneys was a position of great honor, but Ulrick soon grew restless, taking matters into his own hands. When a tourney was to be held at Lemonwood midway through 154 AC, Morgan Dayne thought it time that Ander compete in his first tourney, and hinted at a knighthood for Ulrick upon their return. The brothers were accompanied by Ser Simon and Ander's young wife Marissa Blackmont, who, after a relatively easy birth years prior, had begun showing signs of pregnancy once more. Morgan himself was unable to attend, as his health had begun to deteriorate some time prior, and he was confined to Starfall. He would not live to see his children return home. Simon, Ander and Ulrick arrived at the seat of House Dalt some time later and, unbeknownst to Ander or Simon, Ulrick entered himself into the competition as a mystery knight, wearing a fine suit of scale armor, a spiked helm, and a veil of silver fabric to conceal his face. Ulrick, announced as the Knight of the Silver Veil, performed remarkably in the tourney, unhorsing a number of his contemporaries in the lists. The most notable of these would be none other than his own brother, Ander. The match lasted only a single tilt, as Ander was flung from his horse with only a single lance. Those amongst the crowd could hardly believe that a Dayne of Starfall could be unseated so soon. Ander demanded that his opponent show his face, but Ulrick refused. In the final tilt, the Knight of the Silver Veil went against Ser Sylas Santagar. The round ran long, with both competitors breaking nearly a handful of lances before the final clash, when Ser Sylas' lance struck true and Ulrick was unhorsed. Bested, Ulrick was helped to his feet by Sylvas himself, who asked him to reveal his identity on a match well fought. Ulrick was met with a round of applause. When the family returned to Starfall, they found their mother in mourning, as Morgan had passed a fortnight prior. While the household prepared for the funeral of their father, Ander was named the new Lord of Starfall. What followed for the better part of a year was the monotony of routine in Starfall. Appointments, a changing of administration, a birth of a second daughter, so on. Though one thing was for certain: Ander was not going to name Ulrick a knight any time soon, still embarrassed at his defeat in the lists at Lemonwood, and so, Ulrick's life seemed to come to an abrupt halt. That is, until, a raven arrived from Sunspear. Addressed not to Ander, but Ulrick. The younger of the Daynes had been summoned to the capital of Dorne, and he has not returned to Starfall since. He has not felt obligated to send correspondence to his family as to his whereabouts or goings on.[/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]Family Tree[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][i]See above[/i][/color][/indent] [color=B57EDC][sub][ ⚔ ]OOC Notes[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Since leaving Starfall, Ulrick has begun training himself in the use of greatswords. Though his true talent still lies with the everyday longsword, his ability will surely improve.[/color][/indent][/hider]