Interested [hider=I'll Just Leave This Here][center][b]Silas Cross [/b] Appearance: [img][/img] Age:24 Gender: Male Role: Sentinel Armor: A combination of Metal and Leather armor giving a nice balance of defense and mobility Weapon: [url=]Naginata Pole Staff[/url] Guild status: Current Member, Hunter. Silas has worked his way up in the Guild and become a regular hunter. One of the regulars summoned when some unruly beast decides to go on a rampage. Stats: Health: 14 Strength:13 Charisma: 10 Intelligence: 12 Agility: 11 Personality: Cool headed and calculating, Silas is a Strategist and Survivalist. He may seem cold and off-putting at first, but after fighting alongside his comrades Silas will open up and show a bit of his soft caring heart. And when push comes to shove he will do whatever is needed to protect his allies and ensure their survival. Bio: Born a slave Silas' life didn't seem to be his own. His early life was spent working hard labor but due to an "attitude problem" Silas ended up fighting back more often than not. This lead to Silas being sold to a slave fighting pit, and the start of the next chapter of his life. For the next 7 years Silas was forced to fight for his life in battle after battle building his own fighting style to survive in the Arena. Finally Silas caught a lucky break at the age of 19 when his Guardian Beast appeared during one of his fights. This little event caught the Guild's attention who quickly bought, and ripped up, Silas' contract welcoming him as a member of the Guild. Due to his unorthodox style developed in the area Silas was quickly put into a hunting team to help others with the skills he had polished in his past. Other: Silas still bares a branded mark up his left arm, a constant reminder of his past life as a slave. Although he does keep it hidden from most people.[/center][/hider]