[h3][color=a2d39c][b][center]Ntaj Zoov Yaaj[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=a2d39c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Orc (War?) Camp [color=a2d39c][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Hanging out with fellow orcs[/center] Ntaj followed the orcs and the party to their camp. When offered food, Ntaj simply took a cup of the liquid. He knew one goose wasn’t going to feed everyone, and Ntaj rather not tease his hunger just by taking one piece. He wasn’t that hungry anyways, and he’ll hunt for his own food later at some point. Eventually everyone arrived to the orc camp. Though considering the numbers, it was more like a warband. Looking at the orcish horde before him, it brought a smile to Ntaj’s face. It reminded him of home and seeing his own people assemble for battle. Indeed, aside from some aesthetic differences, the army back at Dark Star looked much like these men here. Well, aside from the lack of dedicated archers or range units. Either the orcs in these lands had no faith in range weapons, or they were smart and kept their rangers hidden in the forest. Ntaj estimated at least a hundred men, possibly more if there are archers hidden in the forest. These orcs certainly looked like they were ready for war. [color=a2d39c]”Impressive. All one clan?”[/color] Of course, the idea that this was all a trap and that everyone was going to be taken prisoner never left Ntaj’s mind. But if that was the case, and that this situation could end up as a fight or worse, Ntaj was doing his best not to panic about it. Panicking could result in something stupid and undignified. If Ntaj was going to die, he’d like to die fighting, instead of getting stabbed in the back because he drew his sword first. Though he did at least keep his shield facing behind him in case someone does have the plan to literally or metaphorically backstab him.