"Thank you, Frank," the young man said when he got his ice cream soda. Max quickly joining her as she took a seat with him taking a seat on the other side of the table. The chairs here were much better than those horrible plastic ones the school had. The frame for the seat itself was made properly, other than being a little hard it gave the support he needed. Since Tai was being quite for a moment the young man looked at his ice cream based drink watching it. He could see the two different colours beginning to merge with one another. His ears soon picked up on her voice when she began to speak, what she said was rather interesting and Max never thought what other people were doing with their lives like the person on the phone she pointed too. Tai was a deep person or so he thought as he continues to listen to her. His eyes looking at her most of the time, though, time to time would wander off towards his drink or to someone else in the shop even though it was mostly empty. Eventually, the young man picked up his ice cream soda and drunk a bit of it. He could taste the blend of the chosen soda and the blueberry flavour which mixed together. It was rather sweet, the cold glass now creating many water droplets outside the glass which dropped every so often. A bit of the ice cream was on Max's nose forcing him to wipe it off using the back of his right hand. He soon stopped when he heard her ask why he went to the crystal club. Quickly moving his hand he spoke up. "Well, I thought I would try things and see if I liked them. Maybe I could find a friend in the process. The school has its groups that are tightly knitted together so I have not managed to get one. Then I came to the crystal club after trying some stuff and then I saw you and I were like dayum she fiiine imma go talk to her," he paused for a moment. "No, I just thought I would talk to you since you were on your own and I guess it was just easier for me to talk to one person than many. I mean you are how do you say dayum fiiine. I suppose I was just naturally going to approach you anyway. Does that make me weird?" said the young man.