[b]Player Name:[/b] Legion-114 [b]Name:[/b] William Knight [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/db/Human_Mercenary.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140206154628[/img] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Force Sensitive Y/N:[/b] N [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gladiator-class_Star_Destroyer]Class-II Gladiator Star Destroyer.[/url] Manor House on Naboo. [b]Skills:[/b] Fleet Analysis/Perception. Demand Loyalty. [b]Strengths:[/b] } Seasoned Captain. A Strong Sense of Justice. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] } Suffers from Occasional PDST. Doesn’t Fire Upon Unarmed Targets. [b]History:[/b] Knight was eight years old during the peak of the Clone Wars, in which living on the Outer Rim often left his homeworld venerable to CiS attacks. It was during an assault carried out by the Separatists that led to the death of his family members and most of the village he lived in. The attack was both unprovoked and held little strategic value. – Knight would never quite recover from this experience. Eventually the Republic reclaimed the world and saved those who were forced to work in labour camps. Knight was brought back to Coruscant after it was reviled that he would have no future on the world. Here he witnessed the transformation from the Republic to the Galactic Empire. His mind focusing on the propaganda that promised to restore order to the galaxy. And Enlisted into the Imperil Navy when he was fifteen, lying about his age so that he could get the most out of his youth. When it was discovered that he had lied about his age to get into the academy the board of instructors were to throw him out and issue discipline. However, Admiral Vor Raukken saw both the potential and determination driving Knight and questioned the boy as to why he was so determined to join the navy at such a young age, in which Knight explained what had happened to his family and his homeworld and that civilian life would not be lost if hostile forces couldn’t land on the planet. With this answer, the Admiral gave Knight an honourer position on his own Imperial-II Class destroyer. Immediately Knight felt that he was in his element, the narrow corridors and cramped command room was of no bother to him. He even attended some high risk mission where his own input gave the Imperials the advantage. Rukken then as a gift gave Knight his own ship to command, The Defender, a Gladiator-II class Destroyer. Which was often always placed on defensive deployment of worlds and stations. Knight never accepted any rank above Captain, even though he has been offered many times, his main reason was that he wanted to be the one stopping the enemies of the Empire on the battleground rather than locked away in a fortified location, sending troops to their death. After the weeks following the destruction of the Death Star II, Knight and his crew were still stationed above Naboo as part of the planetary defence. It wasn’t until the third week of hearing nothing from Naval Command and Control, Knight then began to broadcast to nearby Imperial outfits in neighbouring sectors. However, the open comms were a mess, and it seemed the entire battle net was out of sync from itself. That is when Knight made the decision to abandon his post from Naboo and begin to rally all the Imperial forces into one coherent force. For an entire month, Knight and a small band of Imperial ships that joined him bunny hopped from system to system, evacuating Imperial forces and supplies. Knight received the responder code for Imperial forces to regroup over Taris, where he awaiting for his briefing as to what will happen next.