[@gohKamikaze] [color=00a651]"Well at least you value your safety however..."[/color] the wood elf kept a finger on the page the tomb had been open to so as not to spread the drying ink as he flipped back through the book [color=00a651]"I do not believe I've heard or been to a place by the name of Dunwich"[/color] resting the book back on it original page before he started to fiddling with his one of his many containers and bags. After a small struggle Koru produced scroll rolled that he out into a map of his world, the map's paper felt like fine silk to the touch but did not seem to stain even after the clumsy elf split a few drops of his wine when a loud bang echoed through the tavern. For once Krou didn't seem to pay much more than a glance assuming it was a child or apprentice in training playing games. Everything about the map screamed that of a higher class of elf than that of even a noble wood elf from the gold filigree laid into the boarders to the flourishes on the town names. [color=00a651]"Could you perhaps point it out on this map for me?"[/color]