[color=004b80][center][h1] Grant Holiday [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7294/th/pre/f/2012/094/2/7/prince_by_leejun35-d4uym96.jpg[/img] [/hider] Grant closed his notepad, and pocketed it along with his pencil. Grant figured it was slightly safer now that it was later, so Grant headed to the door. Before Grant walked out he realized he still had not payed Nora in kind for her hospitality. Grant took out his note pad and left her a note. "Nora, My eternal gratitude for your hospitality. I shall be away for a short time, but I would be most gracious if you allowed me to stay for a slightly longer period of time in your manor. I feel an enormous debt towards your person and I shall repay it tenfold. Signed, Grant Holiday." Grant left the note with one of the servants, and left the manor. Grant looked up into the sky, then sighed slightly. Grant sniffed the air, and more peculiar scents began to arouse his suspicion. Grant could only faintly smell them but he knew more story matieral would await him if he followed his nose and set off on his new adventure. [@wick][@blackpanther][@ojo chan 42]