[h1][center]ShadowNinja/Jacklyn[/center][/h1] Jacklyn eyes were wide when the cloaked woman said she could be meta-human. She had a point though Jacklyn can take down groups of men no problem and even her mother thought it was weird that Jacklyn could take them all down with little to no help at all. Jacklyn always thought it was because she was just a better fighter then them but it does make sense if she was meta-human. The ninja just shrugged and listened to everyone say their part in being the leader or against who wanted to be leader. To be honest she felt a little intimidated by everyone though firefly,Luna and Hoverfly seem nice enough. Nevan seems cool and scary at the same time Jacklyn made a mental note not to mess with her. Joshua reminds her of a cocky rich kid from a highschool that is to far on his high horse to get him back down. Chris seems to be the same. For the sake of herself though Jacklyn will keep her mouth shut. Hoverfly seems more leader qualified than the other two though. Even if one is suppose to be a leader and one is over the tops smart they are way to cocky. Jacklyn knew more than anyone that cockiness can get you hurt or worse; the people you're trying to protect get hurt or die. She spoke up on the plan to infiltrate. "[color=black]I can scout ahead take out the guards or get certain information. I also know how operations like these work as well-[/color]" She trailed off before realising what she just said"[color=black] Not saying I have worked as a..ah never mind.[/color]" She sighs before continuing,"[color=black] Look, I have stopped stuff like this before so I may know this guys set up and If this guy is a mob boss then I can probably guess all his moves no problem.[/color]" With at she closes her mouth and gauges everyone reactions to the information. She's sure some of them has busted a few operations like the one their about to do so she can't help be feel kind of stupid for say what she did like they never done it. She brings her scarf up over her mouth and nose to hide her mouth as she bit her lip. Looking down at her boots like they're the most interesting thing in the world.