[@Ashevelendar] [hider=Atlas] [b]Quote:"Ow"[/b] [b]Name:Atlas [/b] [b]Age: 21[/b] [b]Species:[/b] Descendant [b]Blood%:[/b] 60% Nayu, 20% Tyro, 20% Oro [b]Gender:Male[/b] [b]Sex Preference:[/b] Hetero [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" [b]Weight:[/b] 170 lb. [b]Physical appearance:[/b] Atlas has pale skin, with messy blonde hair, and hazel eyes, but you probably won't see them behind his sunglasses. Small, black horns peak out of the front of his hair. [b]Apparel:[/b]Atlas doesn't care for combat, so he wears normal civilian clothes whenever he goes out. Has modified lenses that allow his eyes to withstand sunlight. Wears a black trench coat, with a dirty white dress shit, and dress pants. Nothing else exceptional, except for a small scar under his right eye. [b]Vehicle:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Atlas expresses hatred for most, if not all, individuals he encounters. He doesn't consider himself a loner, it's just that society isn't good enough for him yet. Isn't against some cracks at humor, even at others expense. [b]Occupation:[/b] Possible Serial Killer [b]Faction:[/b] N/A [b]Pet:[/b] N/A [b]Adv. App.:[/b] N/A [b]Exp:[/b] Is very inexperienced, and is only decent at hand to hand combat, and knife fights. [b]Spells:[/b] N/A [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] Poison fangs, night vision, thick blood, poison resistance [b]Weapons:[i]Dagon[/i][/b] A small, sharp steel blade with mysterious characters carved into it. This blade represents most of the magic Atlas has come in contact with. It may not have the best range, put it is very sharp. When dipped in blood, it is ignited for a period of 10 minutes [b]History:[/b] Atlas doesn't have a mysterious past, or a traumatic experience. His mother and father lived in a rural part of Territory Nero, only God knows why. As one would expect, attacks upon the house by various creatures were common, and Atlas' father defended against them easily. Atlas ran errands into the town of Twilight, to pick up groceries and the like, and things were peaceful. However, one day his mother died from causes unknown, and his father fell into grief. This was 4 years ago. Atlas had grown up, and took the news best he could. His father, mourning, took his own life one year later. Atlas took the family heirloom, a small blade named [i]Dagon[/i], and went on his way He went from town to town, territory to territory, picking up work when he could. He was looking for something. using a map his father had left him, he was to find the rest of the set [i]Dagon[/i] came from. He had little to no luck, but that didn't make him quit. He had nothing else to do, nowhere else to go, so off he went on a chase for something that might not even be there. [b]Trivia:[/b] I just modified my favorite OC for this [/hider] Here's an example of a simple accepted CS. The real work is getting in tune with the world by reading from the front page.