[b][color=8882be]Calis Everglad[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob9F1lsULIA]Music[/url] Here he was, in the middle of some unknown woods. Going after the trail. The smell he had picked up in Harbors End was very strong one here. He had crossed rivers, climbed mountain tops, and avoided clashing human and Werewolf or Vampire mobs. On his persuade, he had seen what chaos breaking the blood compact brought upon this world. Not that he cared. The only nuisance it meant for him, was that he couldn’t move as freely through cities as previous. So he tried to avoid those as much as possible. Which was difficult, since it meant going off the trail. One day he even had lost track of it. However, none of that mattered now. He was close. He could smell it. In the pitch black, he saw a house through the trees. That’s where little miss O’Neill must be hidden. He stopped. Hold on. He sniffed once more. The smell was accompanied by two different smells as well. One smell was that of another human. That was for sure. Maybe that was Dublin? No..he would recognize Dublins smell from far away. Well, if it was just an ordinary human, he would have nothing to fear. However, it was the other smell that was very interesting. It smelled like a Werewolf…yet also like a Vampire? It could be a hybrid as well, however those were quite rare, so he quickly wove away the thought. Maybe there were four people? He couldn’t tell for sure. All he knew, was that he didn’t trusted it at all. He quickly teleported further away from the house. He then reappeared, standing against a tree and thought, still looking in the direction of the house. So Miss O’Neill had found herself some bodyguards huh? Understandable, since she knew a Vampire was after her. However, he didn’t expect such overkill. Both a Vampire and Werewolf? That’s just ridiculous if you asked him. Well, he could take on both individually in combat, but together would be a problem. He wasn’t quite sure about the other human with her as well. He could be a Vampire Hunter for all he knew. But that would be the last of his problems, since he still had the Vampire and the Werewolf to deal with. He still wasn’t quite sure about the smell, since both smells intertwined with each other, as if they were one. Should he look for help? I mean with two Vampires, his options were way broader. No. It would complicate things even more. No. This was his target. Maybe he could lure out one of the guards? Then go into the house and then fight? No..that would cause way to much ruckus. Then, he thought of another thing. He knew that Miss O ‘Neill didn’t knew what he looked like, because they only talked via the phone. Phones always make the human voice sound different than it actually is. He could always go to the house, and say he’s a Vampire, seeking shelter from the humans. That way, he could sniff the place out. Maybe get to know the residents a little bit. It was quite the risk, but he was a risk taker, so he decided to go along with this plan. If he was found out, he could always retreat, and maybe go for help. He grinned. Alright let’s do this. Now that he stood before the mansion, he noticed that it was quite a luxury building. However he could see that it was in some sort of decay. He could definitely smell those at the other side. He walked over to the door, and knocked a few times. [color=8882be]“Hello? Anyone home?”[/color] [@Ojo chan 42] [@BlackPanther]