Edit: The Protectors are the people who...protect the ship, right? With guns and stuff? In case things get up close and personal? [b]Character Name:[/b] Shelli "Shell" Bovle [b]Age: [/b]29 [b]Homeworld:[/b] Proxima B, Alpha Centauri system [b]Position onboard the Voidhawk:[/b] Protector [b]Appearance:[/b] A slender, strong-framed woman of Asian descent, (her ancestors can be traced back to South Korea). She has a thick jaw-line, a large, broad nose and small, thin brown eyes that match her olive skin color. Her tied-up ponytail is a jet-black, matching her line eyebrows that naturally slope downwards towards her the center of her face. She's tall and long limbed. Her torso, shoulders, and thighs are covered in colorful tattoos, but it's all hidden by her apparel. [b] Strengths:[/b] [u]Steady:[/u] Shelli doesn't panic under stress. [u]Determined:[/u]Following orders is a specialty of hers, and those she serves under don't need to worry about her not following through. [u]Skilled:[/u] Shelli is good at what she does. [u]Situational Awareness:[/u] Being aware of her surroundings is a necessity when it comes to Protector work, and she is. It's harder than normal to get the complete jump on Shelli. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [u]Unquestioning:[/u] Shelli does what she's told, even if it isn't the right call. [u]"Tough":[/u] In order to appear strong and capable, Shelli often adopts a mean, self-serving persona. [u]Unenlightened:[/u] She has a very limited skill-set outside of combat related situations. [u]Aggressive:[/u] Merciful and Sparing are not words that can be applied to Shelli. Even when the victory is clearly hers, Shelli has problems knowing when to stop. [b]Bio:[/b] Born into a agricultural family on a colony in the Alpha Centauri system, the places where Shelli grew up and went to school were riddled in crime. Her parents and younger sister were stolen from and put into danger by punks and low-lives frequently, and her sister was bullied in school. Shelli could stand up for herself, but some weren't so fortunate to have be naturally good at smashing people with their fists. After a series of run-in's with crime, at the age of eighteen Shelli decided to join the underfunded and uncaring police force of her colony. It was tough work, almost single handedly reforming a lax and corrupt police force, but as time went on her colleagues began to listen to what she was saying. More officers were recruited, more training was done, and crime began to drop. Unfortunately, Shelli wasn't fit for her own reforms. Her...unorthodox methods for dealing with criminals when unchecked got her into trouble, along with her torso being covered in tattoos with obscure and strange meanings known only to her, she was ironically kicked off the force after a decade of service. She herself realized that she wasn't cut out for law work, but she was still skilled in combat and the protection of others. So, she became a mercenary, or a free lancer for a while. She made a name for herself of being reliable and relatively low cost. Not only that, but she leaned towards the legal side as well, which meant people who were more reluctant to hire rough-n-tumble mercs had smaller reservations hiring her. She did a few bodyguard contracts, and has had to put a bullet into more than one living thing before and has no reservations about doing it some more. [b]Why does your Character want to venture with the Voidhawk?:[/b] Not many other mercenaries and bodyguards were interested in the nature of the cosmos, and fewer still wanted to be hired by a bunch of "space hippies" or something. But when the Farseer's Guild contacted her, she had no reservations of signing up. It was clean work, and maybe she needed a break from sleazy alleyways and sketchy silhouettes.