Itzal hid a smirk as he listened to Ritsu and Hitori bicker as he continued to collect remains from the bomb. "You know... If you two aren't careful, someone might mistake you two for a married couple." He teased, knowing that would get under Ritsu's skin. He looked up from his work and glanced solemnly over at Cassius and Minerva, he felt somewhat bad for the Madame Knight, but she honestly had to understand that Cassius had no tolerance for the mission going according to plan, he was an extremely tactful man and he admired the other Lumyian for that. Maybe that's why he supposed that he had a certain sort of bond with Cassius. But, he had to admit that he hadn't expected Minerva to be as gorgeous as she was, and a noble at that... Had he met her before? It was impossible to know and his memory was horrid. Itzal carefully and silently walked over to the two, startling Minerva slightly, she obviously hadn't heard him. "Shall we move onto the next part of the plan?" He asked Cassius softly, his crimson cat eyes looking over Minerva as if he was studying her. His expression was hard to make out as he looked over the lady knight, despite his height compared to hers, he seemed to be almost looking down on her.