[quote=@Dedonus] Also, for any newcomers, please don't be afraid of some of the "WIP" sheets that others have linked to. Your characters sheets do not need to be giant biographies. [/quote] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3874148]Scared? ... I made a monstrous CS because I like to f**k with you guys[/url] lol jk, I just really dig Bucky (and making CS's), don't be a dick like me and write a big long essay for Ded to [s]snore[/s] scroll through. P.s. I hope you like my giffy's Ded, I made them match the story arc themes :3 Lemme know if I made a whoopsie or if Bucky-boo is good to [s]go slaughter the masses[/s] ... if he's good. [@DrewVonAwesome] Lemme know if BuckySteph is aight, I can still edit a bunch, its 3.30am here so I'm full of sh!t tbh *giant thumbs up* [quote=@Rin] [@Dedonus]So I guess I'm really just trying to decide between Spider-woman and Thor then, although edging somewhat towards the former since I've wanted to do that for a while now and the latter is literally something that just randomly popped into my head earlier tonight. But we'll see how things turn out I guess. I'll reserve deciding on which one to actually do when it's a more sensible time thant 3:30am though. XD [/quote] WOOHOO someone else using GMT. We're in the same timezone as Sebby-Stan right now :D he's probably chugging beers in Wicklow right now ([s]because which pubs actually close at 12a.m. over here pffft[/s])