[@Letter Bee][@Rex][@SMS][@Double] [h3]Mac and Cheese[/h3] “Finally.” Cheese gasped. Sucking in the dry and dusty air of the pyramid. “Ugh, it was starting to get uncomfortable there.” Her bones still ached though nowhere near as much as they had done previously, and a weight that she hadn’t notice pressing down on her was lifted. She supposed that might have been the effect of the Realm of Darkness. In her hands Cheese held the memory she had taken from Seth. It was like a purple cloud barely bigger than a fist, it felt heavy as if something was dragging it down. It was a bad memory and Cheese looked at it almost with pity. Seth wouldn’t be able to remember what the memory contained and Cheese wondered if maybe that was a good thing, but then again he was a nobody and not a Human so it was possible he would want it back. “This was your only memory of home.” It was a statement. “It’s a very bad memory filled with bloodshed and pain. I could use it to make a very powerful spell.” “But home is very important, I’ll take the favour instead if you’d like the memory back.” She held the memory out to Seth and would disappear the moment he touched it back to its rightful place in his mind, otherwise Cheese would keep hold of it for later use. Back in the Gummi ship both Mac and Cheese kept their attention upon the newcomer, though Mac did cast a surprised glance at the talking brooms, who seemed to be a delightful curiosity. Both agreed that Drake looked like a cowboy from sci-fi movie of some kind. “So then Death Hunter.” Mac began with a stirring of tea and no intention of letting it go. “Guess we’ll go first with the whole story telling and world comparisons, surprised we haven’t really done that before now. The being of magical bitterness next to me is Cheese and I’m Mac the giant bag of dick.” “You are what you eat.” The aforementioned ‘being of magical bitterness’ looked very proud of herself as she scoffed a few very sugary biscuits while Mac looked at her with mock indignation. “Our world is pretty similar to Tocsaxs only that a lot of the Myths and Legends are real, probably a few from yours too like the others. Think Fairies like me, Titans, Forest Nymphs, Baku, Wendigos and all the like.” Cheese then cast an unsavoury glare at the spoon beside her tea. “What is it with you humans and metal?” An attempt at ‘Transmute’ spell turned into a misshapen plastic rod. “Anyway our World is somewhat split in half, or at least the Humans say so, with my side being known as the Fae Realm and Macs side which is The Side That Is. Well, Estel says it’s the Mundane side but that doesn’t really say what it is.” She then simply shrugged. “Oh! Tocsax, if you think Leo will be setting up an ambush I could try making some illusions for when they do show up, might give us an edge when fighting them.” As Cheese had been speaking Mac had been entertaining himself by trying to aim a few pieces of biscuit into Hakims own cup of tea, but so far had only managed to make a mess across the table. “Yeah, where did you and Seth go?” Mac flicked another crumb over. “One minute you were here and the next all those crossbows and you disappeared.” “Another world, Realm of Darkness. Got dragged there when I was holding onto those floating crossbows.” “Ouch?” “Ho yeah.” Cheese nodded and drank her tea. “hurt like hell