Miki’s uncle placed a comforting hand on Vada and smiled down at her “no need to worry my dear, I welcome everyone, and I’m sure Miki over here does too.” Miki smiled and nodded looking at Vada, “me and you can go, I’m sure my uncle has other business to take care of” she looked awkwardly at her uncle hoping she was right and he wasn’t to stay long. She loved her uncle he was more of a father than her own father but he was a bit...eccentric in his ways he does his work. She walked over to Vada and took her arm and lead her down stairs leaving her uncle behind. She giggled slightly as a faint breeze hit their feet as they walked down the stairs, she walked in a child-like manner up until the bottom step, the breeze died and they were left to face the rest of the student body of the night class and the president Kaname.