I am also on the side of 2.) because it gives me more writing leeway. With ancient colonists trapped in time I'd be struggling to explain how they started over and developed a civilization akin to our own without realizing they repeat history. It might make sense for others and I have no objection on them using it. I just feel the idea of my "humans" being developed elsewhere and accidentally resemble Terrans (are you fine with that distinction [@Keyguyperson]?) is actually easier on me. I have abolutely no desire for having Earth for my nation but cultures like various European and Asian nations did exist. For example without not!Japanese I could never deliver this joke: [quote]Thanks to his recent ex being from the Hoshi system he's quite acquainted with the languages of the so-called "East". Thus he swiftly picked up the Hoshi language, in particular an ancient dialect belonging to the once existing Japan. In the current times this language is only spoken by history nerds and those obsessed with old relics like the Japanese laser swords, rumored to have their containment fields folded a thousand times.[/quote]