[center][h1][color=fff200]Piper Lance[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][hider=Piper Lance][img]https://s20.postimg.org/6n530o8q5/images_39.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Piper looked at the book and walked with him through the city and she got several looks about her lack of shoes. She stopped in the first store she ran across and bought shoes. [color=fff200]"I can't believe it happens so often. I lose shoes all the time."[/color] She tucked his book in her jacket pocket and stopped for a moment. They were passing by a lumber yard on the way there. [color=fff200]"This 'friend' how well do you know them? How long?"[/color] She was getting a sneaky feeling about this. [color=fff200]"Are they going to be okay with you inviting me without asking them?"[/color] Piper was uneasy about this. She was not a very trusting soul. [@dabombjk]