[hider=Ashe] Quote:"A trade empire is not built upon one's dead enemies but upon their wealth." Name:Ashe Age: 26 Species: Descendant Blood%: 80% Sol and 20% Tyro Gender:Female Sex Preference: Bi Height: 1 meter and 95 centimeters Weight: 55 kg. Physical appearance: Ashe is proud of her Sol descendanty and is not afraid to show it. Her big green eyes illuminate in darkness. She wears the cloths of a merchant with a hidden knife around her waist. She's around 1,90 meters tall. Ashe's muscles are toned , anyone that can see her , knows that she is not what she appears and she's ready to fight if needed. Apparel: Ashe isn't one to fight with weapons and such but by words alone. She wears trader cloths. Vehicle: N/A Personality: Ashe likes to talk with people , she's a talker and she likes money. A lot. If there is money to be made somewhere , she will be there. Occupation: Trader Faction: N/A Pet: N/A Adv. App.: N/A Exp: She's an experienced trader but she's no stranger to fighting with a knife when the time comes. Spells: N/a Abilities/Powers: Hot blood , Mind reading , Astral projection , Telekinesis. Weapons: Knife Of Betrayal She bought this Knife from a merchant that double crossed her. It's a small knife with runes inside it. If the blade touches the blood of something , there is a small chance that the creature that was cut to enter a rage-like stance where he will attack anything ( friend , foe , object etc ) for a few minutes. History: Ashe was born to a great family of traders. They were not nobility or very wealthy but they had more than most people. She learned to use her powers to obtain better deals when it came to her job. Her mother died of unknown causes and her father was killed due to a bad trade and she inherited all their wealth. She used that wealth to become ever richer than she was but she also trained in using a knife because of the dangers of being a trader. One day she bought a knife from a trader that said it was magical. At first she though it must've been a fake knife but when she accidentally cut herself on the tip of the blade , her senses dulled and she got filled with rage , destroying some objects from her house. Trivia: She has a brother that she never met. She has a golden ring on her hand that she got from her father in the form of a serpent. [/hider] How does this look ? [@Rai]