[center][h1]Tears of Ameratsu[/h1] [youtube]https://youtu.be/gHJIVlZNATI[/youtube][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://payload37.cargocollective.com/1/6/198761/3053386/Chaos-of-Battle-LR_905.jpg[/img][/center] The land of Igan is a mystic realm inspired by a fantasy-themed feudal japan. Four major clans hold their allegiance to Lord Hyugan, the one true ruler who outlived his rivals from The Battling Era days. Human and Oni live in peace, bound by a pact made by The Ancient Humans and the Great Kagi Serpent Lords. Under no circumstance should the two races ever engage in a full scale war. Doing so could shift the balance between the real world and the ethereal plane, causing irreversible damage. While the pact is best described as a flimsy agreement between the two races, they've both held their end of the bargain for centuries on end. Our story begins within a quaint O-kuni village. We will play as a special task force, the first of its kind to recruit both human and oni into its ranks. In an effort to promote unity between the two parties, the group is run by advisers that represent both The Emperor and The Kagi Serpent Lords. Our first assignment has us assisting the village from an on-going conflict with a local bandit lord. It is an odd mission to give for a group that is more than qualified for the task, but the pressure to accomplish our mission is heavy. All eyes are on us. Our actions and decisions (for better or worse) will make an impact on the uneasy relations between human and oni. We'll be going on many different adventures, from capturing the Chameleon Thief and becoming Gladiatorial Champions of the Iron Daimyo Tournament, to fighting hordes of giant monsters, and unlocking the mysteries that hold Igan together.