After seeing him swallow the pills, Nancy slipped him the pill cup full of jellybeans. [color=Brown]"I'm not sure when we would be able to do that. I've not seen a lot of opportunities for it, anyway. Why, have you got some tricks hidden up your sleeve?"[/color] She eyed him, never able to tell when a patient was just joking around or partially serious about leaving before their treatment was done. And Xander worried her a little. Not because of anything he did, but because to her he seemed so... normal. She could easily imagine him out and about at the grocery store, at the gym, maybe at a nightclub... She honestly had no idea why he was there. The pills he was supposed to take indicated something about anxiety, maybe? Or maybe because of the combination hallucinations? Pharmaceuticals had always been the area of nursing she was worst at. She could sort pills, identify, all of that, but knowing exactly what the pills were for and how they combined, well, those tests she hadn't done quite as well on as others. So she really had no idea what they were supposed to treat. In fact, everyone here for the most part seemed extremely high functioning. Her internship had gained her experience with people who could barely walk on their own, who sometimes needed help even being fed. This place was totally different. Nancy decided Xander was joking. She didn't want to report his statement and get him into trouble. [color=Brown]"Maybe once we do, I can show you my favorite Indian restaurant."[/color]