Late night post. May trail off in quality towards the end, or may not; I'm honestly in no state of mind to tell. Really doesn't do justice to the implied Realta fight, though. Will probably do clarifications later if they're necessary. [hider=tl;dr with spoilers] tauga is a hain in a stillsuit surrounded by invisible tentacles that taste things she's also depressed and/or a budding psychopath said tentacles can latch on to bludgeons and be used to ride them around like podracing from the star wars prequels but with more flexibility bludgeons are giant metal balls on a string that fly into things quote about them from six months ago [quote=@Antarctic Termite] That said, I have a third, scrapped creature design for Jvan that was titled 'Bludgeons of the Cancer', a hyper-mobile, hyper-destructive airborne war construct designed to put dents in Ashlings and any mountains they might be hiding behind. I dropped it because it was overpowered as a species and too boring as an individual, but the gist of it was essentially an angelic, flying tripwire with an absurd amount of inertia. Anything it flew into would be shattered or cleaved by a millimetre-thick garotte at 200 miles per hour. [/quote] 'overpowered as a species' MORE MIGHT SOLVES EVERYTHING [/hider]