Misako and Kichiro Hideniyo walked the path together into Edo, Kichiro every now and again glancing over at his younger sister donned into a disguise. Kichiro, as a prince, was not as out in the open as his sister and fell more into the shadows as a Shinobi must despite being honorable as a male in the family. The only reason his sister was 'celebrated' however was to find her a suitor. Which, had worked naturally. It wouldn't be long till he married his own betrothed afterall. "I don't like the thought of you performing this task alone." He murmured softly as they walked side by side. "Would you prefer to stuff a brazier and accompany me as a Governess, Kichiro?" Misako asked him, her eyes ahead and hands tucked into the folds of her kimono. Kichiro grimaced and sighed. "That is not what I meant." He muttered, his little sister had always been a little spitfire. "I know." Misako smiled softly, her painted lips parting softly to giggle. "I bet you'd look good in a Hikizuri." "I'm not about to cross dress." "Think of it like playing dress-up if you're so worried about me!" "Shut up! I take it back!" Kichiro was irritated so, satisfied, Misako smirked and kept on in silence. The road continued for another mile, both of them in good-natured silence before they came upon the gates of Edo. They stopped outside the gate and turned to each other. "You know what to do, right?" Kichiro asked, all jokes aside now. Misako noded. "Yes..." The intel that Nobunaga Oda had taken refuge in Edo, where he could boast of his treacherous reapings of destroying the nation had spread like wildfire in the Hideniyo clan. Her orders were simple. Find him. Kill him. And do whatever measures necessary. Her arranged marriage would be set up when she returned, harboring her Hero of the Hideniyo Clan... of Japan... Misako closed her eyes, only imagining the possibilities... how proud her father would be of her... and maybe... she could be the heiress to the Hideniyo throne, not her brothers. "Then you know what to do." Kichiros words snapped her out of her reverie. "I will be watching, from afar... be careful little sister." He gently nodded his head to her and went inside, just ahead of her. Misako watched him go and sighed, closing her eyes. Once he was within she walked through the gates as well. Beneath her kimono, her Shinobi attire brushed silently against the colorful fabric. A Hero of the Hideniyo Clan... A hero. Thats what she would be. The honor. The glory. The legacy... All it would cost is one human life.