Character Name: Dr. York Bishop Age: 25 Homeworld: Asteroid B612 Position onboard the Voidhawk: Biochemical Engineer Appearance: Fairly average as far as humans go. It is impossible to tell where exactly she came from on Earth as her family wasn't the type that kept track overly well. She has a fairly pale completion from lack of natural light and the UV ray replacement was not wasted on things such as 'tanning'. She has short curly brown hair, pulled back in a headband...or a pair of goggles...or electrical tape a time or two. Her eyes are dark brown, nearly black, giving her a surpised 'doe like' look when not expressing strong emotion. Strengths: [u]Highly Intelligent[/u] A mixture of natural born intellect, a desperation to not end up like her parents and little else to spend her time on, lead York to get three doctorates by the time she was 25. The first one was in biology, then chemistry and finally applied astromechanics. [u]High Motivation [/u] York can get a on a one track mindset and will attack a problem with everything she has. [u]Highly Open to the Possibilities[/u] York is always open to impossible ideas until she can either prove or disprove them herself, no matter how farfetched they might be. Weaknesses: [u]Doesn't always follow Orders[/u] York will always follow her interests, despite what her orders might be. She doesn't go into something planning to be insubordinate. It is just a byproduct. [u]Does Things 'For the Science' [/u] There was an ancient story of a inventor who created a screaming robot. When asked why, he had no answer. It is highly theorized that she is a decedent of this man. Other Important Personality Traits: Bio: York grew up where there was no life. Nothing grew wild, nothing existed just to be alive. Everything had a purpose, everything had a use. York was born on the Asteroid Colony B612. It was a brown place, where everyone typically lived deep in the pressurized caves of deep below the surface. It was used primarily as a refueling and supply outpost for the government. Despite it being an area of high traffic and high profit, most of the people who lived there did so simply. There was not much space for luxurious such as pets or flower or any non-edible plants. Even though they did grow some food, most of what they ate was imported and dehydrated with fresh fruits and vegetables being a luxury. Children who were born on the asteroid were born to become future workers bees. School started at 2 1/2 and, without the traditional harvest season culture, went all year round, six days a week, with the seventh being used to instill community service. It wasn't that bad because there wasn't anything else to do. Outside of the 'school' the astroid set aside zero space for children. 'Houses' were non-lit coves that were used only for sleeping. There was no communal 'family areas' outside of the rec and feeding areas. Everyone knew that there were other ways of living out there, but most never wanted to leave. The food wasn't great on the asteroid, but nobody was hungry. The was little exposure to the outside world, so very few illnesses and all ailments were treated in a quick and efficient manor. Education was highly valued and most people had doctorates in at least one field. Everyone was equal, everyone got their fair share. There was no crime as there was no privacy. It was safe and it was also what everyone really knew. York wasn't particularly odd, with little else to occupy their time, most children dedicated their time to study and mental exploration. What did make York stand out a little more, was her obsession with life. Earth held most of her attention and its abundance of trees and life. It broke her heart to hear that the wonderful world depicted in her book was a dead and ugly as the home she lived in now. Although York obsessed with a world filled with life, she never considered moving. Figuring that if she left, she'd only find disappointment once she saw it. But when the call came out for people to join the Voidhawk, she tossed her application in, figuring there was no way she'd be selected. Yet she was. Figuring she could always come home if she hated it, York went aboard. Why does your Character want to venture with the Voidhawk?: If you asked her, she wants to find a whale.