[center][h1] EvoTier 1 turns = 1000 year per post. [/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] [hr] [i]Long , long ago the Gods made everything there is and ever was. Each God agreed to make a world in which all their creations would live and so they did. After many , many attempts the Gods noticed that their creations would finally destroy themselves or each other. So they decided to make a new world. Smaller this time and have their races grow from mere neanderthals to real creatures that are ready to determine their own fate.[/i] [hr] This will be a God Based x Civilization Builder x Turn Based Roleplay. Each player will have to make their own God , Race ( anything works but they need to have a physical form and to be humanoid. No spirit races and no Bee races or things like that in other words. I'll enumerate a number of possible races soon but [u][i]it will not be limited[/i][/u] to them but just so you can get an idea. ) and as the RP progresses civilization. [b][u]Turn Based Feature [/u][/b]= Every Player will have each turn 2 Building Points ( 2 BP ) and at every second turn ( 2 , 4 , 6 etc ) an Evolution Point ( EP ) and every turn you will also gain a Divine Intervention Point ( DIP ) and Food Points ( FP ). [u][b]BP's[/b][/u] are used to building structures for the race that the Player created. Buildings must fit with the race ( if you have an Vampire Race , you cannot have a Church Of Light or The Town Hall of Eternal Light built from things like glass that allow light to enter them ). Every building will have to fit the Evolutionary Tier of the Race. [u][b] EP's [/b][/u]are used to evolve your race's Evolutionary Tier. If you don't wish to spend your EP to raise the Evolutionary Tier other upgrades can be chosen ( like evolving magic ). [u][b]DIP's[/b][/u] are used to influence the civilization. A DIP can be used to grant favors to your race. Example : One can use a DIP to stop a plague that falls over the lands. Which will kill your subjects or when the two players get to Evolutionary Tier 4 they will be able to attack each other so if the a player is fighting another and he has a DIP and the other player doesn't , he can use it to influence the battle into his favor , 'thus winning it if he is not completely outmatched. [u][b]FP's[/b][/u] are used to sustain your civilization. If there is no food gathering building built , no food is gained and will decrease by 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 points depending on the Evolutionary Tier. If you have no FP then population will start to starve , loosing 10 , 100 , 500 , 1000 , 2500 every turn. If population = 0 then your race is extinct. FP's can also be lost / gained by special events that I'll do , every now and then. Also. Every Civilization will start small. Only 4 members each race at start and 1 FP. Every passed turn will increase the number of members of the civilization by a number that I'll write it when I explain the Evolutionary Tiers. [hr] [i][b][u][center][h1]Evolutionary Tiers : [/h1][/center][/u][/b][/i] [b]EvoTier 1 Features -[/b] Basic Start of a civilization. This is basically the neanderthal age. 3 Buildings , Maximum population 20. Population will grow by 2 each turn. -1 FP every turn [b]EvoTier 2 Features -[/b] New buildings unlocked + adds the ability to build a village ( making the Pop cap bigger ) 7 Buildings , Maximum population 60 and with two villages 120. Population will grow by 10 each turn. -3 FP every turn [b]EvoTier 3 Features -[/b] New buildings unlocked + adds the ability to combine to villages and make a city + adds the ability to form alliances / trade routes with other races. 10 Buildings , Maximum Population 1000. Population will grow by 100 each turn.-5 FP every turn [b]EvoTier 4 Features -[/b] New buildings unlocked + ability to declare war to other civilizations ( 'thus conquering other lands and increasing population by 200 ). + gains the ability to call the favor of a God in battle. 13 Buildings. Maximum Population 5000. Population will grow by 500 each turn.-7 FP every turn [b]EvoTier 5 Features -[/b] New buildings unlocked + the ability to make a metropolis. 16 Buildings. Maximum Population 15000. Population will grow by 1000 each turn. -9 FP every turn After a player has reached EvoTier 5 all his EP points can either be used to futher enhance his race or they can be traded to gain another BP / DIP. After all players reached EvoTier 5 a new race will appear ( not yet known who will control it ) and will try to destroy all races. So you can either band together and defeat this last opponent or let it kill the others and then you kill it yourself. [u][i][b] NOTE : [/b][/i][/u] Player Races can become extinct. If a player looses all his population , he , if he wants to continue playing can make a new race ( different than the other one and will receive an advantage ) [hr] [i][b][u][center][h2] Buildings : [/h2][/center][/u][/b][/i]: Each race will have their own unique buildings ( which the player will name and describe as he wants to ) but I will write the main buildings all civilizations must have. EvoTier 1 : A Tribe house ( where villagers will live in and produce babies ( can be also changed to a Hatchery for races that have Eggs ) A Tribe Main Building ( where the leader of the tribe will live in ) A Resource Building ( a place that will increase FP ) ( 3 MAX ) EvoTier 2 : All of the previous buildings + A Barracks A Blacksmith or something like one A Guard Tower ( to protect against wild creatures ) A New Village ( maximum 1 new village ) EvoTier 3 : All of the previous buildings + A Trade Center ( also acts as an embassy ) A City ( combines two villages ) An Upgraded form of the resource building ( 2 MAX ) EvoTier 4 : All of the previous buildings + A Temple Of Worship A Military Camp ( gives advantages in battles ) Walls ( protects from attacks ) EvoTier 5 : All of the previous buildings + Factory ( if technological race ) / Academy ( if magic based race ) A Wonder ( gives even more advantages in battles ) Metropolis ( evolves a current city ) [hr] [i][b][u][center][h3] Race Example : [/h3][/center][/u][/b][/i]: Human Orc Elf Vampire Fire Elemental Ice Elemental Werewolf Dragonoid Lizardmen Golems ( specify element / metal of which he is made of ) [b][u][b][u]Basically any kind of race that can't fly and has a way of building stuff.[/u][/b] REMEMBER ! Do whatever race you want ! Be original. No matter how twisted they seem. [/u][/b] [hr] [i][b][u][center] Upgrades : [/center][/u][/b][/i]: EvoTier 1 - Magic Upgrade ( your race gains the power to do magic. Completely stops any technological upgrades. ) Technological Upgrade ( your race relies on technology to deal with their problems. . Completely stops any magical upgrades. ) EvoTier 2 - Ability to breath underwater ( makes building underwater possible ). [b]ONLY AVAILABLE TO RACES THAT CAN SURVIVE IN WATER ( Fire Elementals and such cannot )[/b] Ability to survive in harsh conditions ( makes building into the desert / frozen wasteland possible. Gives advantages in battle ) EvoTier 3 - Ability to create a sub-race of your race. ( gives another EP but instead of a EP at 2 turns there will be 2 EP's every 3 turns ) - Magical Upgrade 2 - Further enchants the ability of your race to do magic ( not possible if Technological was already given or if no Magical/Technological was given ) - Technological Upgrade 2 - Further enchants the ability of your race to use machines to do their jobs ( not possible if Magical Upgrade was already given or if no Magical/Technological was given ) EvoTier 4 - Ability to summon creatures of your God in battle. EvoTier 5 - - Magical Upgrade 3 - Further enchants the ability of your race to do magic ( not possible if Technological Upgrade 2 was already given or if no Magical/Technological was given ) - Technological Upgrade 3 - Further enchants the ability of your race to use machines to do their jobs ( not possible if Magical Upgrade 2 was already given or if no Magical/Technological was given ) [hr] [hider=God Character Sheet :] Title: (God of/Goddess of/ Lord of/ etc etc whatever you want, you can even have multiple titles if you wish.) Appearance ( OPTIONAL , use photo if you want to ) Domain : Alignment: (Good, Neutral, or Bad ) Personality: (A good summary of how the God thinks, how it acts and perhaps some things they like or hate.) Symbol: (A picture or description of the Symbol of the God. You can have more then one. This can include an animal , styled symbol , anything at all ) Method of Worship: (Some gods may have been forgotten by worshippers, or never gained a following, most however do have some form of worship. A structures religion or a cult for example. However your God is worshipped, you should explain in depth who worships, why they worship, and how they worship. Tributes? temples? Prayers? etc. Do whatever you want here..) Race he made : [/hider] [hr] [hider=Race] Race Name : Description of the race ( how they look , 1 paragraph minimum ) : ( Human , Orc etc ) Strengths: ( if they are a vampire they will automatically be stronger at night ( just an example ) ) Weaknesses: ( if they are a vampire they will automatically have a weakness to light ( just an example ) ) Economy/Industry : ( What resources does your race use ? Is it a more urban race or an agricultural one ? ) Buildings : ( you need to write a description of each building your race will have but only when you build that structure for the first time. EvoTier 1 building descriptions are a must) Method of making more of their kind : ( Eggs or are they Mammals ? ) [u][i][b]WARNING :[/b][/i][/u] The race you make has to be consistent to the type of their God. If you are an Evil God of Darkness you cannot have a good race ( like Angels or things like that ). [/hider] [hr] [i][b][u][center] Rules : [/center][/u][/b][/i] Every race can die if it is destroyed in battle but don't make your sole purpose to kill other players. They can band together and destroy you. No god-modding. The rest are the normal site rules. If you don't think that a player respected a rule / a game mechanic please tell me so. [color=ec008c][u][b]MAJOR RULE [/b][/u] : [b]When posting , always but always mention ( tag ) the person you want to talk with. It helps people to know you have posted and want something with that specific person/character. Some people ( as I've seen on this site ) forget to post. A mention will surely make them remember. [/b][b][u]So...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE mention / tag people.[/u][/b] [url=https://rolz.org/dr?room=Rise%20Of%20The%20Civilizations%20]Dice Roll Chat Room so you don't think I'll cheat you :)[/url] [/color] [hr] The world that the Gods created is small. All races will interact with each other sooner or later. The geography of the world is solely made by the player and his own race. More upgrades and such will be introduced as players are interested in the RP. More features too. [hr] [center][b][color=gold] Combat System [/color][/b][/center] The combat system will be quite easy. I will prepare a formula which will help me calculate the winner. Something like this ( Still a WIP but this is the basic form ) : ( DF + DIP ( if player wishes to use one ) + A Dice Roll ( 1d20. Each dice point mean another 100 soldiers added ( in a city ) ) ) - (AF + DIP + A Dice Roll ( 1d20. Each dice point equals 50 soldiers added ( deserters ) ) = Result. If the number resulted is positive that means the defender won the battle if it's negative then the Attacker won. Ex : ( 1000 + *bonus that player wishes ( I'll enumerate the bonuses on each battle )* + 10*100 ) - ( 5000 + *bonus that player wishes ( I'll enumerate the bonuses on each battle )* + 10*50 ) = Result. If the number resulted is positive that means the defender won the battle if it's negative then the Attacker won. It's just a WIP for now. Battles in which the attacker force is outnumbering the defender force by a great number. Something like 50000 to 1000 ( defenders ) then the defender can win only if he uses two DIP to even the odds. IF two DIP are not available the defender looses instantaneously. The defending force is made like this : A Number chosen by the Defender ( the player ) of soldiers that he wants to send to defend the city /2 * - AR. [i]*the soldiers that he sends to defend the city [u]must[/u] be from that city. If you have 200 population , you cannot send 300 soldiers.[/i] AR = A random number of soldiers / civilians that will desert the army. ( A 2d200 dice will be rolled ) The Attacking force : A Number chosen by the Attacker ( the player ) of soldiers from a city that he wants to attack from - ARR. ARR = A random number of soldiers / civilians that will desert the army along the way to their destination. ( A 2d200 dice will be rolled ) All battles will be initiated by the players by a post where they will specify who will they attack but nothing else. Both the attacker and the defender will send me via PM their attacking/defending force. After both of the players choose what the defending/attacking force will be I'll write up a quick post ( IC ) in which I'll show you the fight result. [hr] [u][b][center] All races start with only 4 villagers. Like they are the only 4 creatures made by the God that created them. Everyone starts in the Stone Age.[/center][/b][/u]