[hr][hr] [center] [h2][b][color=crimson]Matthew McConnell[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/55osEjfvZsMifW-vaYM96KqHEEs/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/01/02/068/n/1922283/eda4fb02e6285dd3_chris-pratt-gif-1/i/His-surprised-face.gif[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][b][color=crimson]Location:[/color][/b] The Raven[/center] [hr] As soon as the Captain made his announcement, the Raven finally takes off from Dantooine and prepares to set course to the Tatooine system. Matt has been there several times before, mostly as a pitstop for him to receive some R&R. Of course, the last time he came to that planet was years ago, and the only two towns he has been were Mos Eisley and Anchorhage. And other then some minor locations like the Jundland wastes, he didn't really explore the planet that much. Then again, it's all simply sand anyways, dotted with tusken raiders, banthas, and the occasional sarlacc. It was a pretty boring place to look at. He'd prefer to explore a mountainous region or a dense jungle, rather than a sand wasteland. And no... not because of sand being rough and coarse and getting all over you... Regardless, it's time for Matt to be on his daily routine on annoying any person he sets eye onto. Oh who could be the lucky winner on who'll have to deal with such a man-child for the whole trip? He looks around while chewing some gum, eying the entire Raven crew as he checks for any "volunteers". Then he suddenly comes upon Kayala just sitting casually on a chair minding her own business. Out of all the crew members in the Raven, she is the one that Matt bothers the most. Why? Because in Matt's terms, her reactions are 'priceless'. But eh... should he? Maybe he should spare her just this one time? Should he? ... Nah. He looks both directions quickly while take out the gum in his mouth. Then, having a very convenient rubber band in his pocket, he uses it to slingshot the piece of chewing gum onto Kayala's shoulder. He begins to chuckle, covering his mouth as he tries to act casual, only for it to be failing so far. [hr][hr] [center] [h2][b][color=A9A9A9]Kyatrah Selinema[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://www.churchofhalloween.com/wp-content/posts-2015/clementine-levy-1.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][b][color=A9A9A9]Location:[/color][/b] Vindictor Hallway --> Medical Bay[/center] [hr] As Kyla inspects the halls of any last minute troubles, she hears the voice of Shira coming from the speakers. That voice literally made her cringe. Maybe it was because of how they were basically enemies of one another, often going for a fight when no one was looking just to vent out their frustrations against one another. Of course, they've never gotten to the point of where they would kill each other, mostly due to their important ranks, or if they did think about it, they would be distracted by something else before they could initiate them. Perhaps it was all luck. She didn't know for sure. Regardless, she simply ignores the announcement as she continues marching down the hall. Remembering the limping officer who happened to have his pants down, Kyla quickly walks into the medical bay and inspects the patients around her, taking off her helmet in the process. At the corner of her eye, she spots Morgbra sitting by a desk. She almost expected him to be here. And he seemed a little worried. She can only guess what he was really thinking. And she must be right considering what she saw back at the hangar. Normally, Kyla wouldn't usually start a conversation, but she really doesn't mind one here and there. Standing only a few meters away, she finally decides to say something. [b][color=A9A9A9]"Thinking about Jaina aren't you Morgbra?"[/color][/b] she announces to him, as if she just tapped into his mind with the force... something she completely lacked in.