[color=bc8dbf][center][h1]Satilla Valen[/h1][/center][/color] [center][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color] The Orc Cave [color=bc8dbf]Interacting With:[/color] Her own fears and thoughts! [/center] Satilla quietly followed with the rest, as they were led to the current orc base of operations. Their hideout for the moment seemed to be around some cave. What surprised the witch was the sheer number of orcs at this place! She had never seen this many orcs at one place and all of them armed as such and they simply only saw more and more as they got closer. [color=bc8dbf]‘Holy ancient patrons…’[/color] Satilla thought as she realized the full extend of the orcs and their preparations. Almost if not all were heavily armed and armored! She had seen towns where the guards were way worse equipped than this… warband? What were these orcs? A clan? A band? She had no idea! [color=bc8dbf]‘There will be no escape from here if they decide to capture us!’[/color] She thought in fear, gripping her fist, holding onto her skirt. Still so far at least they didn’t jump on them and kill/enchain all of the group so that gave her some hope that they would be able to escape death or even worse… being slaves. She had heard whispered of what slaves went through and frankly preferred to die before being one. Her apprenticeship with her mistress was close enough to slavery and she had no desire to go back to something even worse.