[@R31GN] [hider=the thing] All around, I think the character is fine, the way you did the personality was interesting, and the idea of a very apathetic medic as opposed to a compassionate one is interesting. The sadism was unexpected, but interesting. His gear picks are fine too, not too surprised that no one picked up an assault rifle, but its all fine. A bit of a nitpick, but how is a soldier who's 6'1" only 150 lbs? I'm 6'2", and rather skinny and scrawny and I stand in at 168 lbs, never mind a well muscled soldier. [/hider] [@NecroKnight] [hider=the things] She seems a bit the typical lone-wolf sniper, but I'm gonna trust that you're not gonna play her as an antisocial character. Nothing seems wrong with her background, and I have no complaints about it. As far as her loadout, is there any reason Niella operates with two long ranged weapons instead of a long range and a close quarters weapon for personal defense? Not saying you need to change it, but it seems a little unnecessary to carry 2 long ranged weapons, though admittedly one is more mobile than the other. Other then that, there's nothing really to mention, all round good character. [/hider] [@TTNoobs] [hider=The things] So, is Berne a squad leader? Or just an attached asset? Other then that clarification, I see nothing particularly wrong with this character, a far cry from the average boots on the ground, gung-ho infantryman, but not necessarily in a bad way. [/hider] [@Vilhelm] [hider=The thing] First and most important, I am definitely [i]not[/i] okay with Belman knowing about the existence of the Covenant and aliens. That is an absolute no, the first appearance of aliens in this RP is to be a massive shock and someone potentially blabbing about the existence of aliens is not okay. Other then that, the loadout, personality etc is okay. [/hider] [@Treue] [hider=The thing] So, I know what you're getting at with the whole callsign "Steel-Fist" because, you know, she has steel fists. But that's a bit of a mouthful and sounds like a name someone would give themselves to sound badass. It's more likely someone in the squad would've jokingly named her "Cogs" or "Robo", or something short and easy to call out. Also, the amount of weapons she's carrying is a bit excessive, I'd generally try to limit the loadout to a primary, secondary, and a sidearm. [/hider]