Pennsylvania suffers an outbreak of "Green Flu"; a highly contagious virus causing extreme aggression, mutation to the body cells, and loss of higher brain functions. Two weeks after the infection four immune survivors— Bill, a Vietnam veteran; Zoey, a college student; Louis, an IT analyst, and Francis, an outlaw biker— make their way through the city of Fairfield, only to discover that the virus is creating more dangerous mutations. After narrowly avoiding these new infected, along with hordes of others, the survivors are alerted to the presence of an evacuation point at the nearby Mercy Hospital roof by a passing helicopter. Fighting their way through the city's streets, subway and sewers, they are rescued from the hospital's roof by the pilot, only to discover he is infected.... That is the story of the four who survived the infection, but what about the story of the special infected, before they were infected? What were their lives like and how did they get infected? The infection spreads slowly in the special infected, so how what was it like for them? This is their story.... [img=] We will start a few days before the infection spread in a small town. I would like for the characters to know each other somewhat, that is why it is taking place in a small town, you know the ones where everyone knows everyone. Now as for the infections, you get to decide what qualities you think your character would have that would have made them turn into whatever special infected you chose. Now, the infection will spread slowly, causing little effect at first but gradually growing worse. Please note: this is going to be kinda like a teen runaway roleplay just with awesome zombies...... Note: I would like to keep the girl: boy ratio even which is why I did not include all of the special infected but if you wish to be a special infected I didn't list then let me know. The roleplay will start when there are 3 characters (other then mine) Also, all characters need to be between 16-19 because I want it to be more teen based you know. --- [u][b]Spots[/b][/u] Tank- Taken Witch- Taken Hunter- Taken Huntress- Taken Boomerette- Boomer- Smoker- Spitter- --- [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] Basic rules you see at every rp probably: *No godmodding *I understand we all have lives, but please post a few times a week and inform me that you will be gone if it is going to be over a week. *Be nice in the OOC *Please post at least 2 or more sentences each post. No one-liners *Please post in third person with pretty decent grammar. No one is perfect, I understand, but at least try to make it nice for the other readers. *Reservations are only good for 24 hours. *If you have an idea for the rp, please share! I am always open to others ideas :) *If you read all the rules, thank you. Please post 'snicklefrizt' somewhere in a post in the OOC or your profile. *Rules may change. --- [u][b]CS[/b][/u] (Everything needs to make sense with the special infected you are to become) Name: Nickname: (if any) Age: Special Infected: (What special infected will your character end up being?) --Before Infection Appearance-- (img and/or description) Skin tone: Height: Body build: Eyes: (what color are they, are they expressive, etc.) Hair: (color, length, etc) --After Infection Appearance-- (img and/or description) Skin tone: Height: Body build: Eyes: (what color are they, are they expressive, etc.) Hair: (color, length, etc) --Other-- Occupation: (if they had a job before the infection) Hobbies: (please list at least 3, this part does not have to be in complete sentences) Greatest Flaws: ( anything from psychological disorders to being over-dramatic. anything) Romantic interest: (fill in later when most spots are taken) --Optional-- Theme song: Favorite color: Other: --- [u]My Character[/u] In the making still