[hr] [center][h1][b]Character Sheet[/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Name: Age: Race: Gender: Appearance: Weapon(s): Class: Bio: Special Ability: Misc: [b]CLASSES[/b]: [b]Swordsman[/b]: The samurai that embodies the way of the warrior. They can also use the bow, but have very weak accuracy compared to the archer. [i]Light/medium magic spells[/i] [b]Archer[/b]: Mastered the art of Kyudo. Can also use throwing objects (shurikens, kunai), as well as the katana, but not as efficent as the swordsman. [i]light spells[/i] [b]Ninja[/b]: The ninja is the most poorly armored, but their speed makes up for poor defenses. They can use throwing weapons, and can be skillfull with the katana or ninjato. [I]Light/medium magic spells[/i] [b]Brick[/b]: The most durable class, the brick uses tetsu-bos and polearms. Their strength is formidable, but their speed is poor. [i]Light spells[/i]. [b]Mage[/b]: Masters of the mystical arts, mages are proficient in one elemental spell, but their skills with warrior weapons are very poor. [I]Light/Medium/Heavy magic spells[/i] [b]Berserker:[/b] Their unruly code of the bushido makes them unpredictable on the field. They can dual wield melee weapons with efficent skill, but their kyudo is very poor. [i]Light/Medium spells[/i] [b]Monk[/b]: The fighter that uses hand-to-hand combat more than anything. Their magic spells are primarily defensive or enhancing abilities. [i]Light/Medium/Heavy spells.[/i] [b]MAGIC LEVELS[/b]: [b]Light[/b]: Usually applied as a weapon buffer. If casted from their bodies, they form minor damage. [b]Medium[/b]: Along the same lines of light, only more powerful. [b]Heavy:[/b] Only mages and monks can use heavy magic multiple times in one encounter. [hr] [center][h1]NPCs[/h1][/center] [hr] [center]Leaders of Hakumei[/center] [hider=Gaignun][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7c/52/ae/7c52ae6f394170c70fdeb101e3839576.jpg[/img] Herald and honored champion to the Great Kagi Lord of The Tiamat Fist. He has led sieges against the undead hordes of the underworld and slayed the mythic titan creatures of Ibuki. Though reluctant to share a leadership role with a human, he respects Kotori Raiden for her warrior prowess. [/hider] [hider=Raiden Kotori][img]http://img01.deviantart.net/5596/i/2012/282/7/3/ruby_champion_l5r_by_iwanaga-d5h9n37.jpg[/img] Former undisputed champion of the Iron Daimyo Tournament, Valiant General and Daughter of Ujiko Jingsea, and Master of the Stone Willow Blade Style. She is beloved in the human community, often coined as the successor to Judon, the Warrior Wisewoman[/hider]