[Hider=Appearance][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eSqZPVc.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Character Name:[/b] Dr. Hudson Wayland Hightower [b]Age:[/b] 62 [b]Homeworld:[/b] Mars, Solar System [b]Position onboard the Voidhawk:[/b] Head of the Foreign Object Examination Sector (FOE Sector) [b]Strengths:[/b] [List][*] [u]Varied Expertice:[/u] Thanks to his abundant studies and his formidable intellect, Hightower is an expert in several fields such as Physics, Astronomy, Electronic Engineering and Geology. [*] [u]Sharp Memory:[/u] Hightower's astonishing memory is one of the main reasons of his academic success. [*] [u]Serenity:[/u] Hightower is able to mantain his composture on a great deal of stressful situations. [*] [u]Experience:[/u] His advanced age doesn't mean nothing. Hightower has failed, succeeded and lived through many things and, thanks to that, he's accumulated a great deal of experience regarding how to deal with many situations. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*] [u]Pride:[/u] Hightower is, above all, a very proud individual. He is incredibly stubborn and has a hard time accepting a good idea that didn't come from him. [*][u]Elitist:[/u] On par with his pride, Hightower is very dismissive towards the people who aren't good enough, in his eyes, to fill a position. [*][u]Advanced Age:[/u] Along with the experiences, his long lifespan has begun to take its toll on his body. He now needs to regularly use glasses and his body is not as athletic as it was before. [*][u]Martial Inexperience[/u] Contrasting his vast knowledge, Hightower has no remarkable skill when it comes to actual combat and his ability to operate a gun has dwindled with the years.[/list] [b]Other Important Personality Traits:[/b] He's an avid smoker. [b]Bio:[/b] Hudson Wayland Hightower was born on what was historically known as the First Colony of Mars. His ancestors had all been renowned academics, each and everyone of them having an important contribution to modern science at one point of their lives, and Hudson didn't want to be the exception. Gifted with a priviledged social position, a prodigious intellect and experts at an arm's length, the young heir of the Hightower family spent his childhood studying to become the famous scientist his parents expected him to be. And he didn't fail to deliver. When he was 25 years old, he had officially earned the title of Doctor Hightower after he finished his career in Physics and became the first member of his family to begin studying Quantum Physics. Year after year passed around, and his repertory of titles kept growing. But that wasn't remarkable at all compared to his ancestor's achievements. Hudson knew that, if he didn't manage to make a groundbreaking discovery, his name would be lost across the echoes of history. So, with that in mind, the 40-year old doctor began to seek ways to acomplish a scientific breakthroughin any of his fields of expertice. He managed to give several existing inventions slight improvements, but it never was something that could astonish the scientific community. When he heard about the Voidhawk's existance, and the voyages that it was planned to make, Hudson volunteered himself to take part of the space faring operation, arguing to himself that there was no better place to make a discovery than the vast, unknown regions of deep space. [b]Why does your Character want to venture with the Voidhawk?:[/b] To make a reputation of himself via the discoveries he could possibly make on board of the ship.