[color=0054a6]"Me being a prince means everything as an Atlantean. I am stronger than my average brethren and the residents of the ocean obey my command. I also have diplomatic immunity but I guess that is not of importance."[/color], he looked at Hoverfly, [color=0054a6]"So it does mean pretty much but I don't blame you for not knowing that."[/color] Joshua realized he was already pissing most of them off. Well it was not like he was trying to make friends on the surface world. And if he was honest with himself they all seemed like relatively nice people. Just as he had finished that thought Nevan made her comment. The condescending tone of the demoness gave Joshua headaches. [color=0054a6]"Be careful who you are calling a boy witch. Atlantis has some of the most powerful mages of this world, we had mastered the arcane arts when the rest of the world hadn't even invented the wheel jet. You don't need to lecture me in magic but thank you for the explaination."[/color] She was right about the communication however, nobody seemed to be a telepath. [color=0054a6]"Fang. You say to have the highest IQ in here. How should we communicate in your opinion?"[/color], while Joshua was expecting an answer he continued speaking, [color=0054a6]"Like I said I will attack from the water. I would also take the role of destroying the merchandise, if nobody has a problem with that."[/color]