[hider=Josh] [center][h3][color=0076a3]Joshua Arthur Dela Luna[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/5db5b6896752dad8dc2035b07a7840ce747f71b2/687474703a2f2f69313136332e70686f746f6275636b65742e636f6d2f616c62756d732f713534312f656c6f6973616d617269656c6c652f3232373935315f3134373036383731353336343139325f3134313835303030393231393339365f3330363438345f333235363433305f6e2e6a7067?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img][/center] [color=0076a3]Name:[/color] Joshua Arthur Dela Luna; Nicknames: Josh, Art, Artie (does not prefer this one) [color=0076a3]Age:[/color] 18 [color=0076a3]Appearance:[/color] Joshua is around the average height of 5'7" and weighs around 149 lbs. He has natural dark brown hair that is usually swept to the right. There are times where it is held down by gel/wax but he rarely does it. He has matching dark brown eyes, a trait shared by most of his countrymen. He has a lean body type and is lighter on his feet than most people. He's usually seen wearing a black jacket and varying shirts and pants (cargo pants when he feels like it) and then matches it with rubber shoes or sneakers. [color=0076a3]Personality:[/color] Joshua is the kind of person who can be friends with everyone. He doesn’t easily shy away from people and can maintain a conversation for more than just introductory words. He has a jovial personality, often seen with a smile or a grin on his face. However, he does know when to stop and be serious… but those are in very rare times. He's a ball of pure energy, never seeming to run out. There's a running rumor that he keeps multiple canned coffee in his bag to drink. Whether or not this rumor is true is still not known. However, he is a secretive person. He keeps problems to himself and he never really told anyone the reason why he had joined the club, just like how he doesn't explain most of his odd actions to others except when he's in the club. There are a lot of things about his past that he hasn't told anyone else about. Why this is, no one really knows. Lying comes very naturally to him. He also has a habit of jokingly stealing from others and giving it back to them later on. However, he is scarily really good at it. [color=0076a3]Skill:[/color] He's very good with his hands, from stitching to lockpicking to pickpocketing, he's surprisingly good at them. He’s usually the guy who collects information from people and reports it back to the club. [color=0076a3]Backstory:[/color] Joshua is born under two mid-class people. However, from the start, it wasn’t going to work. His parents weren’t actually married and he was left with his father. His father wasn’t a really good person, far from it really. His father was a thief, natural in his profession. Josh, not knowing any better, followed his father blindly and did his orders. It’s why he is such a natural at lying and stealing. He does go to school though, oddly enough, and he made a close friend who goes by the name of Juliet. He continued to do a lot of his father’s work until he reached the fifth grade. It is not because he learned it was wrong; it was because his father died. With no one to take care of him, he was bound to be sent to an orphanage. Thankfully, Juliet’s family welcomed him wholeheartedly, even with his history with thievery. Their family moved to another place and placed both Juliet and Joshua in Black Cross Preparatory School for highschool. It had only been a year since the murder Mary Clarice. He was well aware of it but did nothing about it really. A year passed and, despite everything he’s seen and heard, he never really cared about the curse. That was, until Juliet disappeared in school mysteriously. An investigation was called but yielded no results. Rumor was spread that it was because of the curse. Determined to find the real reason, Joshua joined the club. He can easily say that he is actually enjoying his time there but he still hasn’t lost sight of his goal. [/hider]