Vada stayed close to Miki as she did her best to focus on what was being said. The other students seemed slightly less friendly, and some of them seemed to already have cliqued up with the more good looking of the bunch standing as Kaname's right hand men. She wondered if Miki would eventually end up there, she looked like she'd be a perfect fit. There was talk about avoiding the day time class students, and the main rule of not feeding off them. She could feel some of the tension between the vampires who didn't fully believe in the coexistence that this school was turning to, but she did her best to stay perky. "Miki, do you think we'll ever get to join the humans? They're such fascinating creatures. Surely if we don't let them know we're vampires we could at least socialize, right?" Vada asked once president Kaname finished speaking. She had heard rumors about him saving a human girls life, that she was instantly a fan of his, but something seemed a little off to her. She'd never let her true feelings known though. As far as the night class was concerned she supported him without question.