[hr][hr][center][h3][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Woods North of Salarn, Day Three [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With: [/color] His Team [/center][/b][hr][hr] It wasn't everyday that Keystone was invited to camp alongside a tribe of Orcs. Point of fact, it had never happened previously, ever. The itinerant brawler's experience with Orcs was admittedly limited, though he did have a traveling companion for a while, Half-Orc, swore by codes of obedience and chivalry. Knightly type, as was obvious to anyone who spoke with him for more than five minutes. Keystone had not maintained the company of a Paladin before. In hindsight, he had learned quite a bit from the man, some of which he even retained. A little of that concerned him accepting his role in the greater plan of the world, as directed by powers greater than himself. If he could have given the gods a collective finger at that moment, he would have. Maybe even two. This was different. This was a whole tribe/war party/family reunion of pissed-off Orcs, all armed and rather unhappy with the state of affairs between their people and the local Human population. Keystone assumed that, if Brezcar wished them dead immediately, he would have ordered it as soon as they met. On the other hand, a similar group found them in the woods not too long before and they made short work of them; it was possible that word had gotten back to the main group about the dangerous (mostly) Humans that had taken out a patrol, leaving no survivors. Of course, if the Orcs knew about Cremwise and the deal he had worked out with their people, why would they have attacked? Miscommunication somewhere, perhaps, or was there more at play here? This was a scenario that screamed of a lack of information. Throw Keystone at an enemy, enemy went down. At least, that's how it played out so far. Sometimes he required help, sometimes he didn't. In this particular situation, he and his new group (because let's face it, they were all in this together now) suffered from a distinct [i]lack[/i] of information. And they were surrounded by Orcs, more than they were likely capable of taking out without a serious advantage. They didn't even have the benefit of group tactics yet. When Kyra stopped to survey the extent to which they were potentially screwed, Keystone spoke up. He directed his words to his colorful group of misfits, careful to keep his voice straight and low. [color=b8860b]"Right then. They ain't taken our arms. Well, [i]your[/i] arms, anyhow. We're walkin' in 'ere under our own power, and we're likely to leave that way if'n we keep our heads about us. They're not all that different that the gangs I had'ta deal with when I was a kid. Wantin' respect, gonna jump on weakness if they see it. We stick together, [i]do not[/i] show a bloody hint of "scared", and set a defensible camp. They wanna talk, we'll talk. Who 'ere knows Orc?"[/color]