Chris liked how this plan was forming attacking from both land and sea while blinding the enemies with a shroud of darkness. The Demoness asked about communicators, and the Atlantean asked if he had a way for this group to communicate. [color=a0410d]"Ten minutes is kinda short notice, but it can be done."[/color] he said thinking back on the already established plan. [color=a0410d]"my mask has night vision so the dark is no problem for me."[/color] Chris gazed over at the ninja girl thinking about what she said. 'Everyone here has probably already taken down a mob boss or something similar, but why would she say that she can predict his moves no problem without giving everyone some idea of what to expect' ,he thought and decided to finally act on it [color=a0410d]"Could you maybe give some insight on what we're to be expecting even though it might not be what you say. But I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for all of us to know what you know."[/color]