While Seth might have forgotten memory itself, he didn't forget certain contexts surrounding it. For one thing, he still remembered that it was just a single memory. He also remembered that it was a painful one. While he agreed to exchange his memories for some healing, Seth didn't think she would simply take it. He just assumed she would copy it somehow, but that wasn't the case. With that realization, Seth realized he didn't want to give up the memory. He wanted to [i]remember[/i] who he was, not forget it even further. So, when offered the memory back, he took it without a word spoken. The memory itself flooded into the recesses of his mind once again. It was probably supposed to feel like he was reliving for the first time again, and if he had a Heart he would have probably shed some tears at that moment. That wasn't the case, and those theoretical tears never came. Instead, he just grinned his usual grin... and chuckled to himself. A trip back to the ship and an elixir later, Seth was more or less back to full strength. Apparently the group was to discuss their Earths now before they officially began their rescue operation. Of everyone, Seth remained unusually quiet, even refraining from his usual jokes and chuckles. He supposed it was about time he shared something with the group, so when it was his turn to speak. "My Earth... well, it's an Earth where Rome remained a republic, even to this day." he said with an eager grin, "Or was it the one that's still in the Dark Ages?" he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "No no no, that was a different thing entirely. MY Earth is the one that..." he sort of went on like this for a few moments, beginning to describe an Earth only to backpedal and move onto a different description. "Er... sorry." he said with an innocent shrug, "Memory's kind of shoddy today." he started to tell the truth, but ended up deciding against it. His memories were his own problem, there was no reason to drag anyone else into it.