[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPIlqFB-2Tg]Rainy Ambience[/url] [hr] With howling winds and a ceaseless torrent of rain, it was obvious that tonight, the gods were not looking favorably towards adventurers. Klaus, for the duration of the night that had just recently began, had descended into a stormy cacophony of desperate footsteps and annoyed rain haters. Indeed, for tonight was a most unnatural of storms. Fog had slowly begin to settle in throughout the town, and it is at this point in time where any outsiders new to Klaus would likely be making their way indoors to settle for the night. Shops have all closed up for the night, the night watch has been forced to resign to their watchtowers and sentry stations to take cover from the brutal storm, and the rest of the town guard has taken up shelter in the barracks. The miners have yet to return from the caverns a ways out of town, but it's the hope of the town that it was simply because they decided to take shelter from the storm in there. In a usually sleepy and uneventful town apart from the silver trade, this storm was something to rile up the townsfolk in a way few other things can. The illustrious Golden Goose inn was the main goal of adventurers seeking shelter. With an establishment set up in nearly every town in all of the Central Kingdom of Kimohrun, they are renowned for delivering the best service possible to weary travelers. With adventurers pushing and shoving their way into the inn, it was undoubtedly going to be a busy night for the employees of the Golden Goose. More worrying than that is rumors of undead lurking the outskirts and mines at night. Nobody would truly want to be outside during such a time. With seats filling up as quickly as the drinking glasses and bedrooms, it would surely be a night for the various aspiring adventurers , mercenaries and merchants in Klaus to mingle and get to know one another - some through hand-to-hand combat, as noted with the square fighting ring set up in the middle of the inn for entertainment and gambling. Regardless, tonight would be a night to remember. With seats almost ready to fill up, the buff and balding middle-aged bartender eyed the door to gauge how many more would be arriving tonight.